New DJI F550

Hi! Right now I am in the planning stages of a F550 with Naza lite w/gps. I will be using the E300 propulsion system for now with possible upgrades to the E600 down the road and naza M as well.

I had a few questions maybe some could help me with. I have done hours of research with no real answers. I see a lot of people saying to get the 9X as the tx but my question is, what do i need 9 channels for? I have a few 5 channel radios and don't see why that will suffice. I know about manual, atti, and gps mode and I definitely want the failsafe option. Excuse my ignorance but isn't that only 4 channels? What would the other channels be used for?

I would greatly appreciate any input on this as well as input on other flight controllers too, motors, esc's.


p.s. I apologize ahead of time for asking a question that has already been asked 100x probably


Welcome to!!
each control axis is a channel so right there you have four channels for pitch, roll, yaw, and throttle. add to that a channel for control mode and you're up to five. other features like tilt for a camera gimbal will each require another channel and if you want to be able to actuate the failsafe feature manually then that's another channel.

Thanks Bartman! I guess that's where I get confused. My dx4 and dx5 obviously have the 4 channels for roll, pitch, etc. but then I have 3 switches for flight modes too and 2 more for a gimbal control and throttle control as well. Isn't that kind of a 9 channel then?


Welcome to!!
not exactly, you have to choose a channel for each switch and while multiple switches can be assigned to a channel, when you're out of channels you're out of channels, even if you have more switches available.

View attachment 27182 Well I have the flamwheel now, all put together, naza installed, tx programmed. Going to take the maiden flight this morning. Finally have a nice, non rainy day.


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Just a few more pics of her all done. I am using my cgo2 camera from my blade, I can't really complain about it because the quality is just as good as my GoPro4 Silver and there are no issues with 2.4ghz wifi leaking since it uses 5.8ghz to stream to my phone. I haven't figured out the pitch control yet, if I can even use it being its a Yuneec product.


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Thanks Jim. After a 17 hour shift yesterday, I think I deserve so fun time. I have been waiting for some good weather to fly and today is beautiful, besides being 20 degrees. A Hopefully I can get my gains all dialed in and get a few pics. I was flying the other day and was so nervous to take it up because it was windy and the orientation of my bird is different than what I am used to.


Hope your flights go well today! I know what you mean about being nervous...I flew my new 250 outdoors for the first time on Monday and it was breezy. I definitely have a lot more practice to go before I'm ready for anything that even resembles racing! lol

Well my flight wasn't bad by any means but definitely not victorious either. She flew great in terms of throttle, roll, and pitch but whenever I would yaw, it would drift in a 20' or so circle, not on a dime as I had hoped.

I did a lot of digging around last night and found the solution. Apparently I needed to do an advanced calibration to zero out everything. It's a pretty simple process so I thought. I leveled her out on a table and had her all hooked up to naza assistant and it completed the calibration and went outside for a test flight.

She tipped forward right away breaking a prop! Wouldn't have been a big deal because I always have a few extra props laying around but I had given a friend of mine some blades earlier so I was out and couldn't get to a hobby store to grab anymore till today.

Now with no props and the sudden flip, I am blaming that on my 6 year old :p He is very energetic and was doing his chores(wiping down the tables in the living room) just where I had my hexa sitting while doing a calibration. I think he may have bumped it and knocked it out of whack so I just performed another calibration after the kids went to bed and waited till I could get a prop today.

Well, I think she might be ready now. She flew great, yawed on a dime and was very responsive as well. I did have one mishap while flying though, the prop adapter nut flew off in flight so the prop I had just replaced flew off with it. Luckily I was only 10' off the ground and in my front yard. She didn't fall but it was very hard to control but I landed her and shut off the motors and I will be sure to tighten the nuts better this time:)

Bill Grubb

New Member
View attachment 27200
Just a few more pics of her all done. I am using my cgo2 camera from my blade, I can't really complain about it because the quality is just as good as my GoPro4 Silver and there are no issues with 2.4ghz wifi leaking since it uses 5.8ghz to stream to my phone. I haven't figured out the pitch control yet, if I can even use it being its a Yuneec product.
I have just completed my DJI Flame Wheel 550 with Naza M v2 flight control board. I would like to use my CGO2 camera/gimbal from my Blade 350 QX3. Please let me know if you have been able to figure out the pitch control. Also I am trying to determine the pin out on the 4 wire connection from the CGO2. Any info will be appreciated.
