Never flown a drone, but my ex has a broom stick.


New Member
Hello all, Joining is my first step in learning drone Rap and I am hoping people who fixate on this sport can help guide me. So thank you collectively for whatever input I can get.

I am on a disability pension and will never hop across the rocks to throw a line in the sea again.
So that's what brings me here. I have started the search for a transmitter controlled quick release catch and then for a drone that has auto return home. I want to drop a line beyond the waves, never big surf, 3-4 foot.
Distance, absolute max, 300 feet/90 M. No heavy load, bait and hook, so I'm guessing less than a camera.
I am going to post this elsewhere on the forum as well.
Thanks all,
will reply to everyone who drops me a line.


Welcome to!!
Hello and welcome to!

I've thought about this too but never set about finding a solution. We have beautiful Striped Bass that migrate past our shores to the North every spring and back South to the Chesapeake Bay every Fall. They are known to feed just past the breakers but to cast to them with a soft clam bait usually means losing the bait.

So I"m reading your thread and I thought about it for a minute and I think a solution would be to just mount a servo below the helicopter and to put an angled cut in the servo arm so the open part of the cut faces up when the helicopter is flying out to deliver the bait and then when the servo rotates the arm the open part fo the cut will be facing down allowing the line to slip off. a simple turn of the line can be used ot hold it in position and if something more is needed it would be easy to affix it to the servo arm (like a small spring clamp). If you're using a three way swivel you could even make it so that the bait/hook hangs from the servo arm via the swivel.

It can be done though, now we just need to get you a helicopter that can carry the line out over the water and drop the bait for you. 300 feet isn't very far so that won't be a problem, return to home isn't a huge problem, but operating in a salty environment will be a problem over time so you'll have to figure on sealing up just about everything in some way, shape, or form.

Take some time to look at the Group Build thread from 2014, there's a lot of good info there and you might want to start with a simple build to get a hang of things before building your larger fishing rig.



New Member
Well, that was incredible to get a reply so soon. And I get the gist of your servo idea. Thank goodness my brother is an elctronics design & Research Eng. So have that ide on it's way to him and will revert same to you.
On the salt water issue, a new US company is now making a sealed Drone, with fishing in mind. They have a catch release, but the site has no info. I have emailed them and will also pass this on. It also has the option of camera and a fish finder with a 300 foot wireless reception to your notepad. Check out: This could be fun in, so we will stay in contact and thanks so much!


Ha! GREAT post, and great idea! YES, it can be done. I did exactly what Bart mentioned with a F450 and a servo connected to an extra channel on my receiver. I flew across the street to my relatives house, and dropped off 3 cigarette lighters I had taped together, and hung off the modified servo arm with a bent paper clip. Worked like a charm. I'm also on disability from numerous problems from the Viet Nam war, and I also have 3 X's that all had brooms they flew around on! Happy Thanksgiving!


New Member
Ha! GREAT post, and great idea! YES, it can be done. I did exactly what Bart mentioned with a F450 and a servo connected to an extra channel on my receiver. I flew across the street to my relatives house, and dropped off 3 cigarette lighters I had taped together, and hung off the modified servo arm with a bent paper clip. Worked like a charm. I'm also on disability from numerous problems from the Viet Nam war, and I also have 3 X's that all had brooms they flew around on! Happy Thanksgiving!
If you have any pics? I am on Thanks for writing.



If you have any pics? I am on Thanks for writing.
Tying a loop in the line will make it weak. Go get yourself one of these puppies
or here's another one that looks like it would work.
then attach a bobber to the line at the depth you need. Use the bobber as the stopper for the gripper. Fly that puppy out to the distance you want to fish at. Hit the release and the line falls in the drink at the depth you set. Catch fish, reel it in:DI also noticed that it has two "openings" when the grip is closed. If a bobber won't work for you, use a clamp on split shot big enough to catch in the small opening. No line loops needed. I think that your use of a drone for fishing has been done before for fun and video fame, but you actually NEED something like that and your thoughts of getting what you want using drone technology is awesome. A perfect statement on how drones can be used constructively. Now, I hope there are no laws on the books outlawing this. DNR and state game departments have already denied use of drones related to hunting. Looks like at least one state is trying to or has already made fishing with a drone illegal
I have no idea what the Australian government has rules against.


Throbmorton, sorry, I went to take a pic, and found my modified servo arm had apparently fallen off the servo. I only used it that one time, but I'm sure you get the idea. And for me at least, I'm getting a little/lot, sick and tired of the A holes that are supposed to serve US sticking their noses in OUR business. I guess in some states, the fish have more rights than we do!
