Need some help binding Rx


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am currently in the process of building my first v tail quad and am having issues with my Rx.

Set up is as follows;

Futaba T6 controller
Frsky Delta 8 multi protocol receiver
Turnigy 30a ESC
11.4 volt 2400 mah battery.

The issue I am having is that when I plug in the connection from the ESC to the Rx it does not light up at all. I have tried 3 different fully charged batteries along with ensuring that the signal wire is in correctly but still nothing.
This is also the second Rx I have tried as well as multiple ESCs.

Any help with regards to this issue would be greatly appreciated.



Drone Enthusiast
Brendan, welcome to the forum.

How do you have the wiring done? Are you using a PDB? Have you checked the power system with a multimeter?

I don't own the specific gear you have - but I do have a frsky x8r that has a VERY dim light. Might seem silly, but I've had a couple panic moments because I didn't see the power light - but it was actually on.


Mr take no prisoners!
Have you inserted the little plug between pin 7 and 8?

Do you get the red and the green light flashing together?


New Member

Thanks for the replies. Have the wiring split from battery directly into ESC using 3.5mm bullet connectors. Have not as of yet checked the system with a wattmeter, must get one at the weekend from work.

With regards to the lights I have gotten none whatsoever and there has been zero audible beeps from the Rx.

I have also tried inserting the binding plugs between 7 and 8 to manually set it to Futaba Tx with no joy.

I will get a wattmeter on it as soon as possible and post the results.


New Member
Finally figured out the issue and it's a beginner mistake.

All the ESC's I purchased were in opto format and did not have a BEC installed so there was no power getting to the Rx.

still waiting on my frame so it's not too bad.
