aha, well I'm not too familiar with mini builds, I have to admit - most of mine have been 55o or above, and all Naza, so I'd tend to agree with farmer, maybe swap out to a Naze or similar and check everything else first, then swap back, and eliminate build factors one by one?
Once you've eliminated them as a possibility, then you're left with questions like:
is this your first build with this particular Naza unit?
Do you have another Naza unit from another drone you can A/B check to see if it's a unit malfunction?
Both of those speak to the drone-as-a-whole-dancing-around-the-sky part of the problem, and not the internal-vibration/oscillation part of the problem, which still reads to me like a Flight-Controller-trying-to-balance-itself problem. You will have double-checked your CGs, of course.
Hmm... quite the conundrum! Going to do a little more thinking. It's not quite toilet-bowling, is it? A longer flight test might reveal more, as long as the instability doesn't get worse. I'm thinking about the internal oscillation first. I've seen quite a bit of the latter floating problem, mostly with other makes like Yiyi, and most of those have resolved down to GPS puck offset issues, or else bad GPS plugs/wiring/earthing/EM interference issues. Nazas don't like being next to EM emitters at all, so check positions of your VTX, PMU, etc., and power wiring, and maybe consider a metal jacket for your Naza as well, I have one incoming from China for one of my builds, which is a 680 size but small in the center plate area.
Oh, another thing - I've not had much success with BLHeli on my builds, most of my ESCs are SimonK. Guess it's my age...