Need help troubleshooting sudden wobble / toilet-bowl action on take off W/ NAZA F550


I rebuilt my F450 into a F550 with old Naza, and first flight had a sudden spiraling throttle increase as it tried to gain while twirling about ultimately flopping over in the grass.

This same problem repeated several more times while I was trying to troubleshoot it.

The assistant says its GPS is calibrated, but I recalibrated twice anyway. I double-checked the GPS XYZ coordinates and they are close.

What should I check next?

Check your motor numbers. Make sure that 1 is mapped to the one slot on the naza ect. Then, I'd double check your props to make sure that they are all going in the correct direction. Just humor me, get out the manual and look. Also make sure when you plug in to the assistant software that it registers as a hex now and not a quad.

Last, I'd say make sure you have your gains set right. What version of the firmware and assistant are you using?


Dirty Little Hucker

Make sure the ESC outs are facing the front of the Hex as seen in the following image..


As mentioned above, check motor rotation and props are turning the correct way. You may also want to do an advanced IMU calibration while you are at it. As you can also see, motor 1 is always the front right if looking from behind.

Make sure also, your Hex is set as a HexaRotorV in the assistant software.


Thanks guys - you were right, I had inadvertently swapped a few. But now a new problem -

As soon as the throttle is halfway it shoots straight up with a significant yaw left, and wont respond to throttle - just full power or off. Lucky I was taking off over a long grassy lawn. It fell straight down from about 10 feet. No damage yet.

I've tried calibrating the gps twice, each time it indicated successful calibration, but the assistant says not successful. Is this the behavior of unsuccessful calibration?


Dirty Little Hucker
Lets start with the take off problem, forget about the GPS for a while.... Give us more information, prop size, battery size inc 'C' rating, motors and esc type < are they standard?

The Yaw could be from a prop or motor turning the wrong way still...


Triple check EVERYTHING, CAREFULLY! Take your time. Respects


I had just about the same issue after rebuilding my 550 with new arms. First trip out it went up about 30', spinning wildly, and then dropped out of the sky like a rock. On to a pile of firewood. Not good! Took out the bottom frame plate and landing gear. Found out that I'd screwed up the motor rotation directions.

Fixed that, tried again and it just flopped over, cutting a hole into my trampoline launch pad and somehow losing the GPS mounting mast. Relearned that not only do the motors need to spin the correct directions but they need the correct direction props.
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Thanks again guys! Further checking over things like you all suggested revealed where my mistake was. I had all the motors rotation incorrect. A little while later, everything is flying right!

