Hey fellas, finally got around to getting my rig with the Zenmuse Gh3 gimbal flying. Have a shoot tonight and my main rig went down (not crashed but my cam op tried to plug in a battery backwards and it let the leads touch wrong and popped my Gemini's power busses.. Not a happy guy)
Gimbal calibrates great can be controlled with my Cam op radio and just flying around in "FPV" mode gets great footage".
But I can not for the life of me get the signal to come through the gimbal.
I have the cam set to 200 FPS, Shutter Pri mode, Infinity, output 1080i (also tried auto, 720, 1080p...), AFC, the whole 9. Cam goes to the mode that shuts the back monitor off like it has a HDMI converter plugged in,
Cable is nice and proper.. I plug in the 1/4" cable to the zen control box and have my VTX attached to the proper cables and all I get is black or occasionally some fuzz or weird colors. I can take the VTX off that rig pop it on another and my system boots right up. So the cam and the VTX are proven to work to gather no issues.
The bottom of the him has the V4 mark on it so I know this is not the PAL issue.
Any thoughts? I really need to get this working for a job today as my main rig went into the shop for a blown power bus. Worst case I'll have to fly and just go for the "feel" It's a concert and I'm flying next to it in an open field, so I should be able to get "wide" shots without "seeing them". But this just sucks. I didn't pay $2500 to not have a working video signal.
I know I have seen multiple guys have this issue, and I read almost all the threads but most seemed to have the wrong cam settings or the old V3 board. So any thoughts?
Gimbal calibrates great can be controlled with my Cam op radio and just flying around in "FPV" mode gets great footage".
But I can not for the life of me get the signal to come through the gimbal.
I have the cam set to 200 FPS, Shutter Pri mode, Infinity, output 1080i (also tried auto, 720, 1080p...), AFC, the whole 9. Cam goes to the mode that shuts the back monitor off like it has a HDMI converter plugged in,
Cable is nice and proper.. I plug in the 1/4" cable to the zen control box and have my VTX attached to the proper cables and all I get is black or occasionally some fuzz or weird colors. I can take the VTX off that rig pop it on another and my system boots right up. So the cam and the VTX are proven to work to gather no issues.
The bottom of the him has the V4 mark on it so I know this is not the PAL issue.
Any thoughts? I really need to get this working for a job today as my main rig went into the shop for a blown power bus. Worst case I'll have to fly and just go for the "feel" It's a concert and I'm flying next to it in an open field, so I should be able to get "wide" shots without "seeing them". But this just sucks. I didn't pay $2500 to not have a working video signal.
I know I have seen multiple guys have this issue, and I read almost all the threads but most seemed to have the wrong cam settings or the old V3 board. So any thoughts?