Naza Upgrade to GPS - Problems


Just upgraded Naza to 1.6 and added GPS. What works is working great! Having 2 problem that I am unable to solve.

I have a Spektrum DX7S and an AR8000 receiver. I have followed the procedures to setup failsafe:
1. With TX connected to Assistant, Set control mode to Failsafe in Assistant
2. Turn off Tx and set switches and throttle where desired above 10%
3. Turn off RX and insert binding plug
4. Remove binding plug
5. Hold down binding plug on TX while turning on TX
6. Release bind button on Tx when fast blinking stops

At this point I should have set the Preset Failsafe into the RX but is not happening. Done it at least 10 or more times.
I've got to be missing something but I'm clueless...

Second problem is that I can not get the Naza to enter Compass Calibration. I have flicked the control mode switch in many sets of 6 to 10 times, per the manual.

Any help would be appreciated.


did you set you're AUTO PILOT to return home??..and with naza compass calibration make sure you set your flight mode between gps alt and manual, toggle the switch 6 times, wait for 2 seconds till the led change to light yellow then do the calibration....hope this help.....happy flying....


Yes, auto pilot is set to return home. I have Failsafe on a mix so I can initiate failsafe and lights show that this is working. I can not get failsafe to activate when TX is turned off. I do have flight modes set to gps, alt and manual. I can toggle all day long but no yellow light.


lost soul
is not your step 4 really not supposed to happen until after step 6? and the actual step 4 would be to turn on the rx.


you need to toggle between gps/att/manual really fast, try switching your flight mode to a 3 way switch without the mix.....


Removing the binding plug in step 4 is necessary to set DX7S into PreSet Failsafe. Leaving it in until step 6 sets it in SmartSafe which only affects the throttle and not the other setting which are necessary to get failsafe on the Naza.

I have the flight mode on a 3 way. I will remove the mix and give it a try.


Wannabe AP Dude
I have a DX7, and fail safe is working. The steps are:
Set TX so that fail safe is displayed in the assistant, and set throttle to where you want it.
Unplug battery on quad.
Turn off TX.
Make sure all sticks are centered, and throttle is completely off.
Put bind plug in RX.
Plug in battery on quad.
Quickly remove bind plug.
Do steps 5 & 6.

This worked for me.



Those are exactly the steps I am using. Called Horizon Hobby. They suspect a problem with the AR8000. Ordered a new one.

Thanks everyone for your help. Let you know how I make out.


AR8000 was the problem. Received the new one and was able to bind and setup PreSet failsafe.

Hope this help someone having a similar problem.


New Member
Hello Cretcheu,
I am a newbie I need to post a question if you do not mind. I have set up in my Dx7s a mix for fail safe when in GPS Atti and a second mix for fail safe when I am in manual mode. Now when you go and set up you fail safe like above on step 2 you turning the switch from mix to be on fail safe and throttle to the desire value?

Best regards.


You have to move your travel adjustments in the tx with it connected to tha ssst. until it lights up blue in fai sage, Then do the bind procedure and after that return you endpoints to where they were before so you will have GPS, ATT and man mode



I don't understand your question. The procedure works as outlined. My problem was a bad receiver. If the setup is working correctly the Assistant will show you are in failsafe when you turn the switches to failsafe mode.
