Naza MV2 programming (or lack of)


New Member
I am a 51yr old complete newbie to the hobby of multirotor flying having flown a small amount of fixed wing RTF birds and so what I am asking is probably extremely basic to most.
I don't have any associated background in anything electronic and so all this is unchartered territory.

Thought I would build a multirotor (hex) with a view to adding Cameras and FPV gear later. I seem to have spent hours on the net gathering info for a build and settled on the following.
Tarot FY680Pro, 30amp OPTO, Tarot 4006/KV620, Naza MV2 Flight Controller. I am using my existing Spektrum DX7 and a AR7000 Spektrum receiver
I have put all together and have downloaded the Naza Driver and Naza Assistant but here's where my problem starts and finishes. I simply cannot seem to go any further.
The red and blue lights on the assistant are on with the blue light flashing indicating a connection, my receiver is bound.
I try and do the motor test but zilch, nothing. The assistant says the mode I am in is failsafe and the MC output is off and so I cannot even get started.
I have no idea what to do and have not discovered any appropriate forum answer either
Thought it was my OPTO connections but have checked and rechecked, maybe the connections to and from MC and Rx. I think they're OK.
Aux2 - X1
Aux1 - X2
G - U
R - R
E - E
A - A
T - T

PMU - X3

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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You probably need to adjust the travel or end points on the switch that changes the flight mode on your transmitter. There are a few videos on how to set up in the naza assistant on you tube it might be worth looking there.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hey mate,

Does anything work? Rather than going straight for the motor test function try everything else first. The transmitter calibration tells you everything you need to know about your control. Do the sliders move as they are supposed to?

If nothing at all is happening it is probably a driver issue. The Naza has to be plugged in and powered up when you install the driver (why I don't know).

Let us know how you get on. :02.47-tranquillity:


New Member
Uninstalled, again, the driver and assistant and re-installed, now have movement on the assistant and have completed the following successfully
-Receiver type
-Command sticks calibration
-Assume don't have to worry about Sticks Monitor at this stage
That's as far as I have got as my head is slowly being done in
Absolutely no movement from motors when doing motor test.
I have somehow to set up the Control Mode Switch using the 3 switch Flap Mix on my Spektrum DX7.
I assume once I have done this and can get out of Failsafe Mode as evidenced on the Assistant I might get some movement
Will continue reading the manual, searching the net and generally gleaning info from whomever
Your thoughts are welcome

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I'm still not sure why you are trying to do the motor test? It is the last thing you should do. You will need to set up everything else first. If it's still showing failsafe mode that probably accounts for the motor test not working. The sticks monitor is very important and should be working as per the manual.

Sorry I sound preachy. I know what it's like that first time and you really want to see the motors spin, but hold yourself and take your time to set it up first. :nevreness:


New Member
Not preachy at all. Appreciate any input. I'm thinking this will be a long process. Naive me thought I could plug it all in and it would just work.
One step at a time
Sticks monitor important Hmmmm


yakjock has it. You need to setup a 3 position switch, if you have one, as your flight mode switch, and adjust your end and center points to corespond with what you see in Assistant for flight modes, GPS-ATTI-MAN. I don't know if the DX7 and DX7s are similar, but there are YouTube videos for DX7s and DX8. On the 3 pos swtich, I like to use the same one that I would use for flight modes on a plank or pod and boom heli. If you have another 3 pos switch, set that one for IOC Off-IOC CORS-IOC HOME. Setup a 2 pos for Failsafe. Expo is helpful to smooth your contol inputs for AP,
