Naza motor arming problem


Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me. I just finished building my second multi-rotor, this time a hexacopter.....but I'm really a novice at setting things up myself. I'm using the Naza V2, and a Futaba 10J connected by S-Bus.

I've calibrated the ESC's, all the motors spin properly but when I try to arm the props nothing happens (both sticks down and in). In playing around with the drone though I was able to arm them by pushing the sticking together, centered... not sure why but they spin up and respond to all four inputs, also inside the Naza assistant everything seems to move properly - but my range is -1000 to 1000 not -100 to 100

I'm not sure where I've screwed up - can anyone help or offer a suggestion?

Thanks, Mike
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Drone Enthusiast
Welcome to MRF Mike! Where in NJ are you from???

First thing, have you done the stick calibration in Naza assistant? This is key to having the Naza and radio stick control in sync with each other.

Make sure your radio has the sub-trims at their center position before doing this. Also, make sure there is no expo set for any of the stick channels. If you find that the sub-trims/Expo were anything but centered, you should center them, do the Naza stick cal, and then redo your ESC calibration.

The reading in assistant is PWM, which should be something closer to 1000-2000.

Have fun and fly safe.


Thanks for your response. I'm in South Jersey - about 2 miles from Cherry Hill Mall (that seems to be a landmark people recognize). I will check the sub-trims and expos when I get home tonight, after a lot of thought last night I think my problem is related to my transmitter settings.

Thanks again, Mike


Drone Enthusiast
Ah. I've heard of it but never been there.
@Bartman is from NJ, and I'm in Brooklyn. We will have to see about a meetup in NJ sometime for some MRF flying.

Let us know how you make out with the radio settings.


Clean profile and redoing my settings inside of the Naza assistant did the trick, motors arm now. Thanks again.Haven't mounted my props yet, but i notice the power curve seems flat from 0-50% (by tone of the RPM) then takes starts picking up. Think there is a setting I need to adjust?


Drone Enthusiast
Glad you got it sorted out.

If you want to hear a linear throttle response - it would need to be in manual mode. ATTI and GPS want to see 50% throttle for lift off. Sorta like an auto-take off.
