why are my Naza somtimes blinking two green lights,in Gps mode ? ther are no red lights blinking.??
P perhe Member May 29, 2014 #1 why are my Naza somtimes blinking two green lights,in Gps mode ? ther are no red lights blinking.??
C cootertwo Member May 29, 2014 #2 Good question. I've been meaning to look this up, as I have one that is doing it too. Seems to fly just fine though. But the 2 quick greens puzzle me too.:upset:
Good question. I've been meaning to look this up, as I have one that is doing it too. Seems to fly just fine though. But the 2 quick greens puzzle me too.:upset:
Benjamin Kenobi Easy? You call that easy? May 29, 2014 #3 It's normal. Means you are giving it an input (ie. sticks not centered)