Naza GPS question



I currently have a DJI 450 with Naza, and I'm tempted to upgrade to the GPS module.
I have the Spektrum Dx6i radio and was wondering how easy it is to add the GPS, as I've heard I may need an 8
Channel radio to run it?

Also had quite a spectacular crash yesterday due to a sudden gust of wind, resulting in a couple of legs broken. Easy and cheap enough to replace, but toying with the idea of getting a set of 550 plates and making it into a hex. Where is the best place to get extra motors and ESCs, and do they need to be the same as the ones I'm currently using on the quad? Or is it easier to just get a 550kit and build a complete new unit and therefore have 2 flyers?

Due to a limited budget, how easy is it to have the Naza mounted in an easy accessible position, and how should it be fixed down but still be able to be moved between units, or is that not a valid option, and buying a second FC should be the way forward?

Cheers for any guidance as I'm completely new to any type of RC usage, but becoming totally hooked!! I now need to gain more experience and crash less!!



The GPS upgrade for Naza is a doddle to install and setup, but you will need another 2 channels assigned to 3 position switches. 6 channel is ok I think, as long as you have 2 three pos switches, I am only using 6 channels of my Aurora 9x.
Remember to factor in magnetic declination/variation when mounting (ie offset the fwd direction of the head) if you do get a GPS or you will get toilet bowl effect.


Airborne Media Pros
I'm getting the toilet bowl affect in GPS mode. Do you mean I have to set the GPS disk in the same orientaion as the Nasa box? I have the Naza box facing forward, but I was less careful with the way I mounted the GPS disk.

I would love some help as I am used to using the OpenPilot CC board, but I have only had the Naza up and flying for two days.


New Member
Find out what magnetic declination value corresponds to the place you are flying your copter. Then adjust the gps antenna to the left or to the right the same nr of degrees of your magnetic declination value and recalibrate Naza. There is a difference in degrees between geographic north and magnetic north, your naza compass points to the magnetic north, but the gps uses the geographic north, this difference is what causes the toilet bowl effect.

The magnetic declination is always changing, I don't know how often, maybe just a little and not enough to interfere with Naza/gps orientation.

Calculate your magnetic declination here:


If you read the post above yours, it will solve your GPS issue

I'm getting the toilet bowl affect in GPS mode. Do you mean I have to set the GPS disk in the same orientaion as the Nasa box? I have the Naza box facing forward, but I was less careful with the way I mounted the GPS disk.

I would love some help as I am used to using the OpenPilot CC board, but I have only had the Naza up and flying for two days.


Airborne Media Pros
Hey Thanks,

I did this last night and Thismorning. I got it all worked out. Wow, I love my F550.
