Naza / F550 Hexa x config help? Only wanting to fly forwards.

Hi All. I'm lost. Setup the new 550, triple checked all the wiring. Every motor is firing the correct direction, props are correct as well.
On startup all motors fire, and when I power up the hex wants to pickup and fly forwards. If I hold my joystick control in the 'reverse" most position it "almost" holds hover, but still try to correct itself into forward flight. If I let the stick even slightly start heading from absolute reverse to a hint of forward, it takes off that direction.
left and right, and spin rotations all seem fine. I have set, and reset the TX calibration using the naza. I have redone the initial programming for each esc directly to the rx.
the naza brain is aimed the correct way, all wires seem proper 1- 6 according to the diagrams.

Anyone have anything.. thoughts?>

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Show us some pictures of your set up including some screen shots of your Tx Calibration screen. Motor 1 is right front, motor 2 is left front and motor 3 is left side and so on. Make sure that you have your motors connected accordingly.


photos asap.. YES, you bet all motors are placed / wired accordingly 1-6 placed counter clockwise starting front right at M1. I'll pop the top board again here and get some images.


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View attachment 4431 naza placement. Motors as marked / wired 1-6 starting front right of naza front. All blades / rotations are correct


1- A
2 - E
3 - T
4 - R
5 - U


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Back should be where his battery connector is, by the direction his naza is mounted - if that is correct and everything is setup accordingly the setup looks ok - as you need to counter steer the quad to keep its position I'd say check you transmitter for travel adjustments or any other introduced modification - check your monitor screen if the transmitter sends a forward elevator signal

you bet - white was front. Spent all night trying to sort it out. TX seems to be sending all the right signals. Back to square one, I went through the esc's again to recalibrate "just in case" the first couple times didnt work.. Putting it back together here today. I think from my test fire it may have solved the issue!


For the sake of rapid orientation, and this is only a suggestion, I would switch the #5 arm for a red one or #2 for white. Won't solve your problem, but will be a whole lot easier to tell front from back. Does that make sense?

well, she seems to be flying now. Second issue arose. Same as on my 450 I'm unable to get the bird to fly with the standard 10" props. It "jumps" in hover, is super unstable and jjust wants to climb but very spuratic.

I've tried loads of different gain settings based on the 450 google doc.

I'm flying the 550 with the 468 landing gear, and the 2 way gimbal and a contour camera.

8" standard gaui props it flys like a dream with 1.04 software, 160 160 160 180 90 90 gains.

any suggestions. I want to run the larger props...
