Naza F450 Noob


Mad Scientist
This is what I have


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This is what I have

I am a newbie who built my Naza about 1 month ago. (Tahoe Ed was a great help. Look at his set up assitant video) I have a spektrum DX8. You need to use a hobby knife or sharp blade to trim off the tabs...again, do it slowly, don't cut off the lead.I came very close on one and ended up replacing the lead so I would not have a short.

I started with 4 batteries, 3s 2650 and 3000 (2 each). I have not tried the 4s's yet. I would say get as many batteries as you can afford. 4 is not enough. That's only 32 minutes of flying. Get a good BALANCE charger $50-75 range). I found mine on amazon. EXTRA props are will see why ;). You might also want to buy 2 pool noodles; 1 pink/red one blue/green from target ($2 each), cut them down to about 3 inch section, add to the bottom of quad - I used rubber bands and paperclips. This is the best $4 solution to lift your quad off the ground, gives you orientation e.g. pink ones in front) and takes a beating during your first few crashes without hurting the quad. It has been the best $4 I spent. Prop wash can affect your flying, so you may eventually want to replace them in the future. I still have mine on. I have learned from lots of other mistakes of my own and others.

My biggest suggestion is read every post and more importantly, download the manuals now and read EVERY single word - the translation is not the best so you really have to understand those manuals before you start the build. Because I spent so much time reading before I got the kit, it only took me 90 minutes to build...oh yeah, watch how to solder videos on you tube.

Good luck, I am addicted. My wife has to be reminded I could have taken up a different hobby.


Mad Scientist
I am a newbie who built my Naza about 1 month ago. (Tahoe Ed was a great help. Look at his set up assitant video) I have a spektrum DX8. You need to use a hobby knife or sharp blade to trim off the tabs...again, do it slowly, don't cut off the lead.I came very close on one and ended up replacing the lead so I would not have a short.

I started with 4 batteries, 3s 2650 and 3000 (2 each). I have not tried the 4s's yet. I would say get as many batteries as you can afford. 4 is not enough. That's only 32 minutes of flying. Get a good BALANCE charger $50-75 range). I found mine on amazon. EXTRA props are will see why ;). You might also want to buy 2 pool noodles; 1 pink/red one blue/green from target ($2 each), cut them down to about 3 inch section, add to the bottom of quad - I used rubber bands and paperclips. This is the best $4 solution to lift your quad off the ground, gives you orientation e.g. pink ones in front) and takes a beating during your first few crashes without hurting the quad. It has been the best $4 I spent. Prop wash can affect your flying, so you may eventually want to replace them in the future. I still have mine on. I have learned from lots of other mistakes of my own and others.

My biggest suggestion is read every post and more importantly, download the manuals now and read EVERY single word - the translation is not the best so you really have to understand those manuals before you start the build. Because I spent so much time reading before I got the kit, it only took me 90 minutes to build...oh yeah, watch how to solder videos on you tube.

Good luck, I am addicted. My wife has to be reminded I could have taken up a different hobby.

Thanks Repo!

The pool noodles sound like a perfect idea. I just got ahold of a 11.1V 5000MaH battery that I'm hoping will work as long as it's not too heavy. As for the solder videos, I wish I had done that first. I went in guns blazing and ended up with a monument of a solder collection. Each joint looked like a statue. I ended up going back through and re-soldering them all. I had to order an extra lead for my deans power plug out so I'm waiting on it to come in before I can get this thing finished and ready to program/fly.

Where do you normally get your wire from?

How long did it take you to figure out your DX8? (I have NO experience with transmitters so I'm learning from scratch)

Where can I find Tahoe Ed's video?


Well, have I got a bit for your to watch and read...sad, but I have read every post of the 500+ pages.

To begin with, look at all the links in TahoeEd's initial posting (he is one of the best resources out there), then meander through the 500+ pages of posts. Seadog's sheet is a must, just ask and you can join in and see what gains everyone is using. Don't forget to compare settings to similar setups. There is also a great link from Tahoe Ed on setting up your transmitter. People difer as to whether to set it up in heli or plane mode. Perhaps non-noobs could suggest which one is better. I knew nothing about setting up my DX8 whatsoever. I called my seller and he helped, Tahoe Ed helped also when I pm'd him as did others with Spectrum. What you may want to do is pm people who use your very transmitter for the F450. Easy search to do. Don't forget to export your settings to a folder on your computer as you try different ones so you can import them later if you forget.

You are starting with a pretty heavy battery, but it should be fine. Again, when you are bored at work, just start reading page after page of the thread, copy notes and past into a running document for categories, e.g. gain settings, controller installation, which props to use, naza assistant and so on, camera issues, flying issues, difference between atti and manual and on and on. As I said, I am a noob and there is so much to learn. Meet you in 6 months when we start FPV.

Get silicon wire -radio shack is fine. What I have done is kept a running list of things I need, e.g. extra deans, shrink wrap, extra propellers, batteries, led lighting - that was a fun install, etceteras. When I save a little money I go to a couple of cites and just order everything I can on my list. Its nice to have backups of things in your kit for immediate replacements. You may want to find a hobby shop you like in the area or online -smaller one. Many good ones post in the forums. Develop a relationship. The dealer who sold me my transmitter spent 30 minutes with me on the phone. These people are REALLY helpful. Extra props is critical. You will need them within a week unless you really know how to fly.

Sorry if I ramble on, but I am having fun, just wish I could have more time to learn to fly. I just did my first video...poor effort but fun.

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Mad Scientist
View attachment 3707Hey guys so I think I'm nearly set. between school, work, and parenting I haven't had as much time as I wished I did but I once I get this thing built I'll be ready to move on to the next stage of the process which is learning the TX. I know this probably should have only taken like an hour but I've managed to spread it over two weeks. :)

I was just wondering if you all could give some insight on my diagram. The only real questions I have is how do I know which line plugs into which port from the motors to the ESC's, and which port to plug the second LED line into.

Any thoughts?


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pendejo grande
Plug in the 3 motor lines to the esc (worry about proper direction later), one of the led lines (the one over the + side) plugs into F3 on the naza, the other plugs into the horizontal slot that sits above the throttle, aileron, rudder, etc. plugs (it sits horizontal compared to the other pins that sit vertical). Once you get it all plugged in and happy happy with the naza software, check your motor rotation, if the motor needs to be reversed just pull the 2 outside plugs out of the esc and reverse them.View attachment 3708


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Mad Scientist
Plug in the 3 motor lines to the esc (worry about proper direction later), one of the led lines (the one over the + side) plugs into F3 on the naza, the other plugs into the horizontal slot that sits above the throttle, aileron, rudder, etc. plugs (it sits horizontal compared to the other pins that sit vertical). Once you get it all plugged in and happy happy with the naza software, check your motor rotation, if the motor needs to be reversed just pull the 2 outside plugs out of the esc and reverse them.View attachment 5170

You're the man! thank you
