Naza+F450 max payload?

Hi all,
i made a structure for use 2 axis gimbal and gopro on my all original DJI Naza kit, and all fly well with lipo 3s 2200 35c nanotech, total weight is 1280gr. with 8" DJI props.
I tried also havier lipo 4s 2200 35c nanotech and also fly well, so i bought 2 lipo Hyperion 35c 3s 3300mah for increase fly time, but with my big surprise the quad is too heavy 1380gr. and don't fly, for hover the first 3/4 min i will use all gas stick and after that it comes down.
So i ask you the max payload you try on original DJI kit? And is possible that the Hyperion lipo performance are not enough?
I don't have now 10" props you think something can change with that?
Thanks all for info.


My AUW is 2110kg/4-1/2lbs, using two 4s-2600 Hyperion G3 packs and GWS 9x5x3 3-bladed props. It's got plenty of power and the motors are barely above ambient, even after 10 minute flights. The stock 10" props, even carefully balanced, induced a lot more vibrations and made the motors run so hot that you couldn't leave your fingers on them for more than about 2-3 seconds. I also tried 11x5 Graupners, which were better, from a vibration standpoint, but with these, the motors also ran hot.

-- Gary


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    F450 GoPro-17.jpg
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Finally today arrived my 10" props, it's amazing how they change situation. With this quad have again a lot of power and hover at 50% so hyperion lipo are ok but the increased weight don't give me more fly time only 8 min. when first red led alert start. The real problem with 10" prop is a lot of vibration with Gopro video. I will try for last the Graupner after this i don' t know how have good quality video.
