naza drifting backwards in gps mode


I have mounted my first multirotor. it`s a flame wheel f450 with naza and gps. It flies verry nice in manual and is stable in atti mode. but when i turn on to gps mode it is drifting bacwards. I have tryed different setting for the distance from gps to cg. but it wont help. tryed to recalibrate the radio and the gps. some times it is stable when i have been flying for some minutes.

if I hover in atti and just turn the swich to gps it`s going backwards.

somebody know annything I can try?


Read the PDF file on post 3047

ou need to adjust for magnetic declination. After that your NAZA will fly GREAT.

Get into calibration mode and have nothing in your pockets and take your watch off. Have everything running on the quad/hexa/whatever, FPV equip, lights, camera recording, etc.
Put the TX on the ground and kneel down and hold the quad about eye level.
Flick the manual/ATTI/GPS switch 8-10 times quickly and leave it. The yellow light will stay on. Now stand up with the quad at your waist in the hover position and turn left or right almost 360 degrees and the light will turn steady green when the horizontal axis is set. Then face it to the sky (vertical) and turn around again and the light will go out and your done.
Make sure you do this in an open area like a park or your backyard.

Power it up and go forward about 50ft or so and it will probably drift a tad right or left.
Hover back and land.

Leaving it powered up, turn the GPS the OPPOSITE way of the drift just a tad and re-calibrate again.
Keep doing that until it goes in a fairly straight line and then the toilet bowl should be gone.
Mounting the GPS with velcro directly to an arm or on the pole makes this process easy.

If you add or remove ANYTHING AT ALL, start the calibration process over again and you should be fine.

If it doesn't work or you don't get all the red flashes to go away when hovering then try moving the GPS to a different arm.




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Aerial DP
make sure that if the throttle trim is enabled that it's centered when you do all that........ and make sure to finish the calibration in assistant with the throttle at half way exactly.


tried this now. and it helped a lot. some more tweaking with the gain setting and I think it vill work well. Thanks for the help :)


If you are using a radio with programmable gain curves, this is where a bit of adjustment comes in.
I like to get the setup so I can have the radio working and feeding the setup program, close my eyes, let go of the sprung sticks, centre the throttle 'blind', and if when you open your eyes it is not all 'in the green', then it suggests things are probably a little oversensitive somewhere.
The positions for the auto behaviour are quite narrow, and with default gains even 'breathing' on the sticks on my radio took it out of the green, and then you think 'this is not holding'. A slight reduction in the centre stick gains, made it a much more friendly behaviour.

Best Wishes
