My quad flew away. Bad transmitter??


I went for over a year without an issue and then bombs away. I have had a series of crashes. I did have a bad battery but don't know if that was it. I could get flight times of over 22 minutes without issue but sometimes the copters would act gittery for no reason, and this was on several different drones. The only common denominator is my Futaba 10J transmitter. This time I had about 10 minutes in and it just flew away into my neighbors yard. So embarrassing. I am stumped. Any thoughts?

Jason S

early naza are known for flyaways and no stick control.

It could of been caused be interference from antennas or radio freq near your house

you said you mixed parts from naza and pixahawk? I havent seen this done before i guess it didnt work?


I didn't mix Parts. I removed all of the pixhawk parts off and put it on the flame wheel. Check out this video. I think it is my transmitter because that is the only common part shared among all my drones which now all are basically unpredictable.

A little advice until you fixed the problem if you are going to fly this drone: make sure there are no people nearby, don't fly too high, attach a Gps tracker and if possible fly it on an area with grasses so that it won't incur too much damage if it crashes. I hope you fix it right away :)

Jason S

Did you check the stick inputs in the software? that what seems like to me

like your pushing left on the stick and the heli is going right im i correct?

pixahawk software is a little difficult to set-up but has a 1000times more options than naza


I was going to tether it but got lazy. Yes, all sticks were calibrated in ardupilot and appeared to be doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. Something is going on.


Seems like a calibration issue. I assume you've calibrated the compass, accel, esc, etc, but did you modify the pids before this flight or are you starting with all of the defaults? And as someone else said, why not test it on the lawn in a more forgiving area. You're killing me as I watch you test it on the deck. Ouch!!


Well, I recalibrated everything again and it flew. Don't know exactly what happened and don't know if I did anything differently but apparently I must have.
