My First Tricopter


New Member
I am wanting to build my first tricopter and am open to ideas.
This is the link I am currently using for my build list:

I am using his part list but am using the HobbyKing X900 Tricopter glass fiber frame instead.
If there are any better ideas of parts please post.
And I would like to know if the KK2.1 works with the same things as the KK2.0 did, or do yall recommend a different board instead and if so please post what you recommend.
I have a budget of $275-$300 but would like to stay in the low $200-$250 range.
What props do yall recommend?
Any other motors that are better but are around the same price?
And any other frames that are better but are around the same price?
What receiver do yall recommend for this build?
Last but not least. What battery would give me the most enjoyment out of my copter?
