My First Build - TBS Disco?


New Member
Im wanting to build a Quad and I could use some advice. I already purchased a NAZA v2 W/ GPS now I am going to get the frame & Motors. I like the look of the TBS but the motors and ESC seem expensive. I want to get motors that will allow me to have fun. I am not going to video at first so I want to fly around, flip and roll... I want quality that will last and something I can eventually video with. I was looking at the TBS 900kv2, but does that seem expensive?

Personally I also think the TBS motors and ESC package is a bit high in price. I'm building up a Disco Pro myself and purchased the Luminier branded 2216 900kv form GetFPV. Those motors will be combined with 30a SimonK ESCs from BuddyRC. In total I spent about $190 for the combo.

You would be advised to get the 900kv motors, especially if you are intending to put fpv gear on the quad in the future. The standard Disco is very resilient and I would highly recommend the frame.
I have an x configuration 8 motor octo mr, a hex 6 motor mr, but the disco quad is small, compact and easy to transport in the boot of the car (trunk in the USA!) and is my preferred choice for easy photo shoots, with no fuss.... Oh and great fun!!
In the UK I have bought Torxpower motors which are reasonable price and great quality. With ESCs, (I purchased from Hobbyking), just check that they can be flashed with something similar to SimonK, for better response. I over killed with 40 amp ESCs, but in reality you don't need anywhere near this.
If I can be of further help, drop me a PM
