Hoverfly My Brushless Gimbal


Hey Paul, you've inspired me. I ordered one of those gimbals for my Hero2 as I don't have the 3 yet. I'm sure the wife-unit will have a come-apart but that's the cost of doing business. I'm hoping I'll be able to 'adapt' the gimbal at some point to carry a Hero3 should that need arise, but that's an entirely different issue.

I didn't order the frame and that may be a mistake but could you tell me the size of the mounting tubes you're using? I'm trying to get my hex prepped for the new gimbal when it arrives and may have to work some magic on this frame. Also, are you using a separate battery for the gimbal? Can I tap off my 4s? Thanks for any info.

Great video. Great flying.


Sorry for the delayed response, this forum has slowed to a crawl so I don't visit very often. :(

I got the frame just so I would have an easy build with my first brushless gimbal but I think you would be okay using the carbon arrow shafts from a sporting goods store. They look almost identical in size. I did get out a ruler and measured 8mm in diameter, hopefully that helps.

I use one battery for everything, FC, Motors, FPV, and Gimbal. I use a 4s and it works great.

Here's another little video from last weekend flying with some local FPV plane pilots:

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Here is my 2nd Spidex quad with brushless gimbal. I picked up a used Hoverfly Pro Black board to replace my original black board that up and croaked. I also decided to add my GPS board to this quad so it's now my "Flagship" quad so to speak. It's a little on the heavy side at 1970g AUW including the brushless gimbal, all FPV gear and EZOSD stuff, GoPro Hero3 BE, Frame with mods to fit the huge HFPro+GPS boards, 4000Mah 4s Flight battery, 11x4.7 APC props powered by T-Motor 2216 900Kv motors. I was able to get 8 minutes of flight time and it hovers at 50% throttle. It has better lift than my original Spidex quad so I think the original is going to become my backup.

Still have to figure out what to do about HD downlink for framing shots for 3rd parties, right now I just have a 5.8Ghz downlink of my fixed FPV cam. In theory the frame will fold up but I haven't tested that yet.

Here are some pics of my latest setup:
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Nicely organized Paul. How does it feel in the air? For everything you have packed on board that is really an excellent weight. Heck, my rig with just fpv and about the same scale with 3S is tipping the scales at 1630g. Do you have GPS for RTH or using it for position hold too?


Nicely organized Paul. How does it feel in the air? For everything you have packed on board that is really an excellent weight. Heck, my rig with just fpv and about the same scale with 3S is tipping the scales at 1630g. Do you have GPS for RTH or using it for position hold too?

Man I swear sometimes this forum doesn't show me all the updated threads... that's my excuse for the late reply and I'm sticking too it! Hehe.

I haven't had a chance to really fly it yet, just hovering tests in the backyard. But with the big 11" props it does seem to have more lift then my original Spidex with its 9" props. Bigger motors on my new one as well.

I put my GPS board on it as I wasn't flying the quad it was on at all. I hope to have it setup for a failsafe return to home but other than that I don't really use the GPS at all. I've had mixed results with my GPS.

I'll post more when I really get it out flying.

It's a legit complaint. I get notified by some threads and not others even tho I have it set in global preferences. Go figure. Too bad on the gps. It's been pretty much nailed by other companies at a much better price level. But once HF dopes out a suitable algorithm I'll be purchasing a new fc and gps from them. All three of my present hfp boards are not suitable for critical av anymore due mostly to solder breaks and baro sensor "degeneration", ie won't hold height anymore. Until then I suffer with NAZA quirkiness ;)


I did some more backyard test hovers this weekend, still have yet to get it out and fly.

I swear, while spider quad frames are great for camera placement, they're difficult to get the CG correct. I made an "X" from motor to motor to mark the actual center of the quad and thought I had it balanced from there but the front motors still end up warmer than the rear motors.

Since I have the GPS on this one I'm thinking maybe I should ditch the EZOSD and save some weight. I do like the RSSI and the accurate amps consumed of the EZOSD but I also like the flight mode and horizon indicator of the HFOSD. Decisions, decisions :)

As far as warmer and cooler motors, there are other factors at play besides balance. Just flying or hovering in a certain direction for a length of time with a breeze will cause it. I put a few nubs on the top plate (exact center) to grab for balance check and just move the battery back and forth. Works well in the field as a quick check. I found even a keychain cam hung off the front makes quite a difference.

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