MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Multiwii/NAZE/SeriouslyPro



After re-reading my last statement, maybe it would be a good idea to go ahead and separate those two factions right up front with a section for baseflight and a section for cleanflight. Never mind, each one will be filled with haters and trolls from the other and nothing will have changed or been accomplished.


Welcome to!!
one thing i have no patience for are trolls or haters....we're here talking about stuff trying to learn and maybe, if we're lucky or if it's a good day, have fun.

i don't mind people loving stuff just because they want to love it but we're approaching our five year anniversary and we're still the most respectful and friendly (and therefore productive! imagine that!) community online. we promote the same mellow vibe at and it's a great community there too.

if we continue to see a lot of activity in any one particular category we can open new areas of the site to handle the traffic. i don't have a problem with that but some communities of users have their own place and just seem to like it that way.

it's all good.

