Barts XY
So, down to the facts:
1_what diference using the Bl single stack to Double Quadro?
2_flight times with MTOM?
3-Could get a DJI similar set, why should I go MK?
Thanks for your reserch and dediation Bart!
What do you mean "single stack or Double Quadro"? I know that the BL 3.0's can be bought preconfigured in 4, 6, or 8 unit boards, I opted to buy singles and wire them up myself. Having had a number of bad experiences with the BL 2.0's where they were mounted in an Okto power distribution board, I opted to do singles so repair work would be minimized if/when one burns out.
Flight times with two 6000 mah 6S packs should be around fifteen minutes but it depends on the camera. the heli should be good to carry much heavier cameras though it hasn't been tested. i have access to a 5DMkIII so I can plan to fly that as soon as the weather breaks.
My XY8 frames have been flown with NAZA and WKM (and Hoverfly which flew it dead nuts perfect) and both did fine. I happen to really like Mikrokopter, it's what I started with and when it works it works really well. MK has been doing waypoints and GPS (and carefree, return to home, points of interest, follow-me, etc.) for eons at this point. The flying qualities have been the blue ribbon standard since around June of 2010 and their system is very mature at this point. DJI is appealing because you can use standard ESC's and save some money but I'm planning to build another heavy lift XY8 for possibly another Mōvi and I think I'm going to go KDE on the motors and ESC's and 3D Robotics Pixhawk for the flight control system. It's neat to me to think I can fly a pro level rig using motors, ESC's, a flight control system, and gimbal all manufactured by US based companies. Not everything is US made but I like the idea of a hometown supply chain for the next big heli project.