MRs on The One Show BBC

Jake Bullit

Anyone see it, just walked in and it was on.
Not Dave and Geoff this time.
sent from my phone using my finger.


likes gadgets
i just caught last bit when they were flying the drone in the studio

who was flying it cos it seemed as if he wanted them banned or special laws as to who is allowed to fly them etc " TW*T "

what is the world comming to when you aint allowed to have fun anymore

seems as if there is always someone trying to spoil stuff


umm, lot of half knowledge, cobblers and lightweight scare mongering if you ask me.

like we're all using them to case joints before a breaking in.

Had to laugh, If I'm not mistaken the guy from BigBrother watch, Nick Pickles who featured in the film is a photographer who had asked me if he could assist me at some point before he decided to go off and try and become a conservative MP which he failed at ! why is a photographer trying to infringe on a vehicle that gives photographers a fantastic new vantage point ?


Drone Enthusiast
It time for an accredited body to be formed me thinks. a voice for the responsible ones and somewhere the likes of the BBC can go to for advice


Any volunteers?


Drone Enthusiast
lets set one up, you and Geoff could run it

Thanks for volunteering us! Ill start one right away!......

I will look into it as I think if some one does not do something the lunatics will take over the asylum!

