I'm just starting to finish off my Skyjib 6 Ti, and coming across a problem mounting the lipos onto the booms.
Am flying in Hexa Y configuration, so the 2 red booms are my front (not a single boom).
There are a couple of problems, the plates just don't look strong enough just to be held with 2 screws in each of the centre booms, I know they are supposed to be held securely across 2 booms, but its not possible in Y configuration.
The straps that come with the Droidworx are a terrible length, they are far too long for a single battery (6200mAh), so only seems to be secured by about 1 inch of velcro.
So a couple of questions, first off, is it a bad idea to have a lipo at the front and one at the back, this way it could go across 2 booms, and be a bit more secure.
2nd, how do people secure the battery properly, the strap certainly does not seem sufficient to hold a lipo that almost weighs 1kg.
Do you also add velcro to the battery and the plate to stop it sliding?
Any feedback would be much appreciated, as the last thing I would want to see is an un-secure battery holder.
I know the build quality with the DW stuff is really good, but theres just a few things I see could be greatly improved in their design.
The new version seems to be much better, as it is held on the crash cage across the middle booms.
Am flying in Hexa Y configuration, so the 2 red booms are my front (not a single boom).
There are a couple of problems, the plates just don't look strong enough just to be held with 2 screws in each of the centre booms, I know they are supposed to be held securely across 2 booms, but its not possible in Y configuration.
The straps that come with the Droidworx are a terrible length, they are far too long for a single battery (6200mAh), so only seems to be secured by about 1 inch of velcro.
So a couple of questions, first off, is it a bad idea to have a lipo at the front and one at the back, this way it could go across 2 booms, and be a bit more secure.
2nd, how do people secure the battery properly, the strap certainly does not seem sufficient to hold a lipo that almost weighs 1kg.
Do you also add velcro to the battery and the plate to stop it sliding?
Any feedback would be much appreciated, as the last thing I would want to see is an un-secure battery holder.
I know the build quality with the DW stuff is really good, but theres just a few things I see could be greatly improved in their design.
The new version seems to be much better, as it is held on the crash cage across the middle booms.