motor 2 does not spin in naza software


This is a direct swap from tarot 650 to larger frame so all the softawre is configured already and checked in the NAZA V2 software.3 motors spin on arming in correct directions.All 4 motors and esc's worked with servo tester when checking motor rotation pre soldering.I have checked esc servo wire to FC to make sire polarity is correct and seem to be correctly plugged in.I havent had time yet to scrub google but will later on.I was hoping I was missing something simple to check and someone here would hav a few suggestions.Thanks as allways.

The non arming motor does get tight after arming and spinning the 3 working motors.This tells me it is receiving something,either power or just an esc signal.The software motor test works for 3 motors aswell just not the fourth.From what I can gather I have bad m2 port on the naza.Its just odd that it worked a few months ago and has been sitting.

P.S. all 4 esc's and motors all worked when connected to servo tester.I checked all solder joints aswell.The esc or motor(M2) makes chime noise when battery is plugged in,but will not arm or is not recognized in the motor test function in the naza software.any and all help/suggestions like always greatly appreciated.


Solved.I calibrated that one motor and all is good.I figured that the esc was calibrated with this setup on another frame it would have been calibrated still.I guess a frame swap requires recalibration of esc's


Drone Enthusiast
Glad you got it sorted. But something to keep in mind is that swapping just the frame - if everything else stayed the same and no new calibration was done, should not have effected the ESC cal. Might be prudent to swap out that ESC for a new one just to be safe.


Glad you got it sorted. But something to keep in mind is that swapping just the frame - if everything else stayed the same and no new calibration was done, should not have effected the ESC cal. Might be prudent to swap out that ESC for a new one just to be safe.
I think it had something to do with using the servo tester before soldering motors
