A huge thank you
Aye Up.. I am sort of back
I just wanted to jump on for a bit just to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has sent me PM's, emails, texts, FB messages.
I cannot quite comprehend what has happened still and the inventory list for the insurance is frightening.
My hand is healing nicely with my thumb almost ready for action, well thats if I had anything to fly!
Her indoors has been mithering me since before christmas to find somewhere in my Workshop for the new SJLX4 and ADX3HL.. They have been living in my dinning room on a projector stand surrounded by her art, so my argument is on the walls is your art on the stand is mine.. I am so releved I dug my heels in and thats been their home since before Christmas. SO THEY survived, BUT everything else including my treasured QQ special edition DX18 and most importantly my Pint Brown tea mug (20odd yeras old at least) is floating in the atmosphere or in the pile of carbon that is all that is left of my 30 odd year collection of tools bikes copters etc, etc.
As a few people have said the Phoenix will rise again, well maybe, it just seems a really long road ahead at present.
Again thank you for all your messages of support, offers of help and all the well wishes.
The comments in this thread bring a tear to my eye..
I feel well and truly Humbled.
PS. Off to try and answer all the PM's in my inbox.