I was issued a regular full-scale logbook while I was flying UAVs overseas. I'm thinking about just using the same thing for multirotors since I'm used to it... a couple of things need to be changed, but it's not too difficult. Plus I kind of like having a paper copy.
I'll probably end up digitizing it for a backup though.
ETA: eskil, I'm thinking about doing a simple preflight list, laminating it (along with other pertinent paperwork) and attaching them to my transmitter tray as an easy-access reference.
I made the attached form - trying to cram as much client info, shoot info, and check lists as possible. The empty rectangle is where I usually draw a map of the area, with the circle for the wind MPH and an arrow showing direction.
Wow, someone actually recently wrote a program to do just this. See https://github.com/wilselby/ArduPilotRecordBook if interested. Once I get it up and running I'll post more info.If you fly Pixhawk or SuperX you will have a log of every flight created for you each time you fly. And now with smart batteries they could even include accurate battery information. It would be nice if all this info could be extracted and presented in the format of an easy to read log book automatically for those of us that are lazy.