Log Books - BNUCS and or RPQ



A question for BNUC'S/RPQ licence holders.
Once and assuming i do pass and get the licence i need to maintain a flight Log to demonstrate recent practice, Right?
How is this actually acheived from a practical perspective?

I think back to the CAA PPL licence where once qualified you are then faced with maintaining currency.
With the BNUCS/RPQ logs how are entries verified ??

I totally agree with the concept that recency is important in any form of aviation but do not quite understand how me taking my SkyJib out to a field at the weekend to keep my hand in is logged and checked accurately by the licence processes, who verifies the flight time?


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?

I have an RPQ-S log book. It is up to you to log your flight time after each session. This is checked annually by, in my case, ResourceUAS who simply check your log book.

So it is up to you to fill in the log book. Yes, open to fraud but you can't have someone official watching every single flight, can you. I also have all the data logs from my iOSD saved so I guess these could be used to determine flight time too.


How are you liking your X4? Good in strong wind? How is the Herkules III? So I understand you don't need ESCs when using the Herkules board?


Hi Thanks.. No it would make no sense to have everything verified first hand (hence my confusion) is there a minimum ammount of annual time (or gaps between flights) considered the minimum to be current.

The HerkulesIII is proving a good investment, I am very pleased with the overall performance, i did make a point of taking it out in the strongest wind i dared around 20mph and it handled it self very well, Challenging landings but that is the pilot not the ship, even at AUW 11Kg i have never noticed anything other than just warm to the touch on the motors and Herkules Heatsink which translates to very efficient. The only thing i am waiting on is the integration of Futaba Telemetry, i have the hardware with an integrated SD Card for logging but waiting for Andreas to release the firmware for Futaba.

Hopefully soon....


Our flight log is an Excel file that is described in our ops manual that was accepted by the CAA. It logs date/time/GPS location/Flight duration and is created from GPS flight telemetry. It has extra fields to show accumulated flight time, aircraft and pilot identification. If the flight had an incident then it is noted as well. It was presented to the CAA as pdf printout.
It logs every flight, be it 10 seconds or 10 minutes. We also keep a KML file that can be quickly dropped into Google Earth to show the whole flight path.
Backup is done at regular intervals.



Thanks Andy.
Comprehensive, even more reason to get telmetry up and running, perphaps i can see what the iOSD will log, i know there was somebody developing an application to view the data that could give me some of the integration you use.
