Little Crazy...GoPro 4 vs DJI 4k...But what happens when 8k is standard?

Like many looking to upgrade. Phantom 3 vs. Solo vs. Inspire....

I know, I know 4k is not even the "standard" yet but it will be. What happens when 8k comes along. Solo it is easy, just buy a new GoPro. Wondering about DJI and their camera???

You have probably seen it but a good comparison video between the Vision camera and GoPro 4

You can buy a new camera for the inspire or the Phantom 3 when 8K is the thing. Both are removable.


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yes but you're locked into DJI's interpretation of what you need. GoPro is likely to make a better camera going forward but I guess we'll see!

yes but you're locked into DJI's interpretation of what you need. GoPro is likely to make a better camera going forward but I guess we'll see!

Well it depends, the GoPro was actually designed around close up action sports, hence the fisheye. It has never really looked that great from the air without a lot of post. DJI is making aerial specific cameras that address the needs of a AV pilot.

That being said, both companies make some decent stuff!


After shooting with the Inspire's camera I just cringe when I see footage from a GoPro. If you don't correct it then you have that terrible distortion and if you do correct it then the quality reduces in post. I've done a lot of nice work with the GoPro by understanding it's limitations but if I have to keep using them then I'll do a lens swap.

Good point about swapping cameras. I like the angle of view from the DJI 4k and too lazy to crop and mess with the GoPro output. I am no pro, I do it for fun and it is just part of my land, and diving photography. If I had money to burn the Inspire, IMHO, is a no brainer and I would do it. But I can do a lot with that extra $1500, MORE LENSES!

Thanks for all the input.

The reality is, DJI is killing it. And this is coming from a guy who HATED DJI a just last year. They have a game plan and are killing it. The proof in the pudding is I know at least 5 PRO AV guys who have sold 2 - 3 LARGE rigs (GH4/A7 rigs) and bought Inspires. For 90% of work the inspire footage is more than enough, it's compact, has a great flight time and packs easily. I admit since I got my p3 pro I use it more than most of my other rigs... And it allows quick and easy "stops" for footage you would usually either skip or "think about' filming.

For 8 years I passed this Combine graveyard and always thought "Someday" while this year I passed it and thought.. Hmm 2 minutes and I could be flying this... and guess what.. I did.


Nice. Just added an Inspire yesterday. I've been turning down more work lately as the budgets are not allowing for SkyJib 8 work. Now we can do it all.


My experience with the Inspire has been great. As SleepyC said, you take it out of the case and go for a fly with the minimum of fuss yet you get fantastic visual results. For me, that's what it's all about. I can't understand why there is no logging available or way point flying for mapping yet. Even the Phantom can do way points thanks to the SDK and someone writing an app for it.


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has anyone tried a Peau Productions aftermarket GoPro lens? i saw a comment somewhere that it narrows the view while still using the full sensor

@PeauProductions might want to chime in with more info?


Active Member
Like many looking to upgrade. Phantom 3 vs. Solo vs. Inspire....

I know, I know 4k is not even the "standard" yet but it will be. What happens when 8k comes along. Solo it is easy, just buy a new GoPro. Wondering about DJI and their camera???

You have probably seen it but a good comparison video between the Vision camera and GoPro 4

All I can say after watching a couple of those comparison videos (especially the one flying) is - WTF am I doing spending soooooooo much time trying to tune my gimbal, FC, frame, props, motors etc...when I can bite the bullet and spend some money on a RTF (didn't think I'd utter those words so easily) Inspire1 and produce results that most clients couldn't tell the difference between 4k video from a GH4 or an Inspire. I could be spending more time flying and enjoying myself rather than pulling out the little hair I have left getting my new hex build ready to fly a GH4 for 12 minutes when the Inspire can go for about twice that?


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all i can say is it works when it works and when it doesn't work you're at the mercy of the machine. parts, service, updates, pay the price and takes your chances

i rolled up my Inspired by Inspire quad, brought it home and cut a new arm from CF stock I had in the shop. a couple of hours later it was ready to go.

it's complicated, DJI is doing a better job than everyone else, everyone has to make their own decision.

i haven't looked at the GoPro vs. Inspire video except one, are there very many and are there enough to say they definitely aren't being done with a bias to promote DJI products?


Active Member
All true, pros and cons to everything. A friend of mine just took delivery of his this week and is on a 1500 miles trek from CT to Atlanta with a few stops in between for clients. His trunk is full of gear but I think he left his S900 home for easy of travel and quality of video he can provide for these particular clients.

I've never been a big fan of modular designs as far as spare parts go and availability of them, especially DJI with new releases but they do seem to have a good thing going right now. I do like to build mine from the ground up so I can vouch for what is going on with my rig but sometimes it would be nice to just open a case and in five minutes be ready to fly. Yes there are issues with machine but if you get a good one it can be less stressful than all the tweaking involved with setting a bigger rig.

As far as GoPro vs DJI, I own a few Hero3's and like them to a point, never liked the FOV except at medium setting and that takes away some of the quality. ProTune stuff looks good but as SleepyC points out, they're made more for the sports world with a close focus vs DJI targeting the aerial market. I use them on a Disco Pro (although that wasn't seen much flight since the new build) and a F550 which is my daily flyer for now.

Think I'll wait for the Inspire2 since I never like to buy first generation stuff anyway.

That being said, I've got some batts charged and ready to go do some more testing, gimbal, FC, etc...:)
