Gary Seven
If your solder joints fail, you're doing something wrong. sh*t. I know I did something wrong. It's not my soldering station, for sure. I tend to solder at 380º C for larger AWG stuff and at around 320º for smaller stuff. Maybe I use too much heat?? I use a chisel point as well, except when doing fine, thru-hole stuff. Then I change the point to a "pencil tip."If your solder joints fail, you're doing something wrong. My joints either rip the wire, or pull up the traces in a crash. Good rosin core solder, (Kester 63/37) and a good soldering iron is important. Pre fluxing is a waste. Just clean pads with alcohol and pre tin the pad and wire.
I use Sn/Pb solder, usually with rosin core. I always use flux as well. I may have fudged it up by NOT cleaning the pads before tinning, but who knows. Clearly, I need better solder skills. Glad yours are so robust you can yank of the pad before the joint breaks.
p.s. Thanks for posting those pics.