MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 LED strips on/off with multiwii arm/disarm


I want to add LED's for orientation to my tricopter. I don't have a radio with enough channels to run them on a switch and I don't want them to run the whole time the battery is plugged in. I would rather they turn on and off when the copter arms and disarms.

Can someone point me to a tutorial on how to do that? I'm new to mw so I may need the "for dummies" version.


I want to add LED's for orientation to my tricopter. I don't have a radio with enough channels to run them on a switch and I don't want them to run the whole time the battery is plugged in. I would rather they turn on and off when the copter arms and disarms.

Can someone point me to a tutorial on how to do that? I'm new to mw so I may need the "for dummies" version.

If your flight controller has a LED lit when armed then remove the surface mount series resistor that comes from microcontroller & connect two wires to the pads. Connect these wires to either an opto isolated MOSFET (220ohm resistor in series with opto) or to a LED controller module.


Look for LED that only comes on when armed. If there is an output port that goes high on arming you can use this but to control LED strip or high intensity led you either require a buffer board or LED controller. These are available from Witespy, HK or many other suppliers. The microcontroller outputs can be damaged if you try to connect direct to anything that draws more than 40ma.
