KKMulticopter.kr - Minsoo Kim Build Thread


Just started mocking up my new quad (or hex :) or maybe Y6 ) using parts just shipped from Korea from www.kkmulticopter.kr

The center plate design is nice, includes slots for velcro for the battery and 8 arm locations to enable you to build as a tri/y6 quad or hex config, power distribution board is very nice as well, gets rid of the mess.

Mine will be topped of with a small plastic container holding the "Minsoo Kim blue board" and my FrSky reciever

Power will be 3S 2650 battery to start with.
Will post some proper build photos later, for now are the "mock up" shots


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Well, finally built it, and , very boring to most, it is a quad.
Built a quad as I have a customer after a small camera ship, and a quad was the easiest platform to setup that fit the bill.

Did things a bit different, controller is mounted under the frame, with a flat platform on top (mocked up using corroflute, finished article will be polycarbonate cut on a water jet)

The flat platform allows the battery to be central with no camera, and when the camera is mounted up front (forward enough so the props are out of the picture) the battery(s) are moved back to counter ballance. test flew like that in the lounge (not sure what american is for lounge, sitting room maybe ?) , and it worked fine


The camera used is just a cheapy, but is the same weight (200 grams) as the customers go-pro



Weight with just battery is 1000 grams, did a test flight today (platform removed) and carried a 1450 gram load (51 oz) , flew very well, could certainly tell she had more inertia, but stable and flyable, throttle to hover was 60-65% on 4S


www.KKmulticopter.kr quad frame , 550mm between motors
Flycam 925 motors with 10 by 4.5 props
4S 2650 lipo / sometimes 3S 2650
turnigy plush 25A esc's (over kill, but handle 4S no prob)
Minso Kim KKuk based "Blue controller" Atmega 168 running the xx_quad_1.5 software.
Weight around 1000 grams with battery

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well, after proving she can carry close to 1 1/2 times her weight, time for a re-configure , I still have a soft spot for tricopters, but enjoy the close in hovering characteristics of a quad - so..........compromise !

I present - the Y4........with wheels :)

Its a std kkmulticopter.kr / www.kiwirc.com reconfigured in a Y shape, and the controller re-programed.

Added the wheels as had no other landing gear that was long enough to clear the bottom mounted motor, and am happy i did now :D

give it less than hover throttle, then push forward on the stick to get the rear wheels up, and drive it around like a wheelbarrow on the ground.

Will try to get some vid of it on wednesday



Drone Enthusiast
Looks bloody great.. nice one.. I am thinking of building a fun quad / Y6 just as through about.. How easy is the Fc you are using to set up?



Hi Dave,

The "Blue Boad" from Minso Kim is super simple to set up, theres a programming menu (all done by moving sticks on your transmitter) and 3 pots to controll the gain on Yaw/Pitch/Roll - I have found that the Y4 requires more gain than the quad, makes sense as it has less power available for each action.

These frames are an easy build, its over too soon, if you know what I mean :)
like a mecanno set, and easily reconfigured (the centres support 3/4/6 arms)




Drone Enthusiast
Thanks Mat... Ill start thinking about a hucker/chucker!! Cant wait to see the DroidWorx concept x and Y though my pocket is saying NO MOOR!

Jake Bullit

just ordererd my kit from MK for building a quad,am a newbie so no doubt i'll be seeking advice soon.
also in Southport b.t.w.


Drone Enthusiast
I live PR9! What you building? I fly mine on fleetwood road wreck practicing filming the dirt jumpers!

Jake Bullit

Just ordered the quad kit from MK,hopefully it`ll arrive next week.
I`ll look out for you up Fleetwood Rd way,I think i`ve seen a VW van on your videos ,so i should be able to spot you if your droid is on the ground.


Drone Enthusiast
yep grey one with tattoo in the rear window.. good luck with the build. You should post it as u build it in the MR build thread


Jake Bullit

Just maidened mine,first time I flew anything and it stayed airborne for more than 5 seconds.Ended up with one flight to many in the fading light,and hit the dirt a bit hard.Just spent the last half hour straightening two bent props,not 100% true,but they`ll have to do till I can get replacements.
