Yes, 1552s. But, for the purposes of this exercise all that matters is that both motors are spinning the same 15" prop. Back to my original post, this is really just a question of RPMs per watt given some load (in this case 15" folding props). For any given RPM, and regardless of the motor, the thrust is the same. What I compared today was the thrust per watt over several samples along the curve, but I could have just as easily measured RPM per watt and found the same essential result.
The result is that T-Motor and KDE are making fine motors/ESCs that turn power into revolutions about equally well. Really, there isn't much surprise in that. There is only so much one can do to push the efficiency of a brushless motor.
What is surprising is that KDE claims to make motors that are substantially more efficient. But those claims are not evidently true. As I noted in the first post, I think KDE's motor is probably the best motor for my use. They just exaggerate performance while T-Motor does not. You simply can't compare motors from these two makers on paper.