It's started, anti drone on the news


Watching fox the other day and sure enough here come's the expert who knows all about our sport. When he finished you would have thought drones had brought down lots of planes
killed people on the ground etc. Had a real chip on his shoulder. He said there were already 7000 drones in the country....DAMM i have 6...... guy just Pee me off .
Ya there are stupid people in all sports and thats who they bring up. This will only get worse . So keep your drones down low and away from airports and have some fun.

FOX is very short sighted consider that Multirotors are fast becoming the de facto standard tool for photo/video journalists for leading edge news reporting.
If they don't buy in, they may one day be wiped out by their competitors.


I wish it was only fox news . About a month ago all three major networks showed that photo shop enhanced picture of a plane taken by a Multirotor . It looked like it was a few yards away.
The latest was a report of a pilot having to bank hard left to avoid one . Could be BS



There are absolute supreme idiots on both sides of the isle. First off, it's FOX news. 'nuff said. On the other hand, you guys remember the brain trust flying his Phantom around Manhattan crashing into buildings and property?

It's really on all of us to keep an eye on ourselves and those near us to not do such stupid things. But at the end of the day ... TBS KID 1 | FAA 0. bam.


Drone Enthusiast
There are absolute supreme idiots on both sides of the isle. First off, it's FOX news. 'nuff said. On the other hand, you guys remember the brain trust flying his Phantom around Manhattan crashing into buildings and property?

It's really on all of us to keep an eye on ourselves and those near us to not do such stupid things. But at the end of the day ... TBS KID 1 | FAA 0. bam.

agreed. That manhattan kid did all of us a disservice. Such a putz.

Keep in mind that the FAA appealed immediately: more like TBS KID 1 : FAA .5


Man, I'm surprised that the Phantom took so many hits against buildings before crashing. And I would think that after crashing it once into a skyscraper that I would land the craft...out of fear. That dude couldn't even launch it from his balcony. That should have been his first clue not to fly it.


FOX is very short sighted consider that Multirotors are fast becoming the de facto standard tool for photo/video journalists for leading edge news reporting.
If they don't buy in, they may one day be wiped out by their competitors.
I wouldn't be surprised if every news organization had a Phantom for that difficult news worthy shot. They secretly envy and want use it commercially. They would change the story if the FAA allowed the press to use multicopter/drones for news coverage.


I saw a news special about the mud slides out west and no mistake it was drone catching the footage. You could see the two front props spinning away.



They did use a hexacopter in Sotchi ...


Even the minies have military applications.


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pretty sure theres a federal ban, banning journalists from using the copters for new's storys. i dont think the media needs these anyway they are sneaky enough as it is and i hate seeing them on any emergancy scene
