Is this correct


Drone Enthusiast
You are aware that 2 of the 4 propellers turn in opposite rotations, right?

How are your 2 screws? Did you find them? Are they loose? :)


I know but why cant the two black dot propellers be in the back? This is the only way they screw on


You should have a black and a white on the front and a white and a black on the rear. One is clockwise and the other is counter clockwise.
The flight controller should have a diagram of the prop locations in the setup.


Elevation via Flatulation
Looking at the photo, you need either to swap the two back with each other or the two front with each other.
Right now the two props on the right of the MR (Left side in the photo) are clockwise props, and the two other props are Counter clockwise.

They should be

CCW...CW.........................CW .... CCW...............CW....CCW
CW...CCW .......................CCW....CW....................CW.... CCW

Check the diagram.


pendejo grande
If they're self tightening props, you have to move the motors themselves around to have the correct thread direction (clockwise/counter clockwise) on the correct arm.

pretty clean build for a newb.


so after some fiddeling with it and redoing the firmware and crap I got it to work good. So no more problems with the throttle but now when I arm it the motors will spin kinda slowly and keep spinning even though I don't give it any throttle. I read that is normal so whatever but so when I throttle I can control the speed but then when I put the stick all the way down one of my motors just stops spinning while the others will continue to spin until it disarms.... what's up with that?


I got all my motors to work so I'm trying to take off and hover but it just wants to tip to either side all the time. what do I doooooo? I thought the trim was the same way as when I did my 180 fpv with cc3d but I don't think so. What's the apm trim like? I got the at9 remote with the little clicky things on the sides and bottoms of the sticks and I was messing with them and nothing seemed to help. either spin or tip. I made sure all the motors were right. I went to the test motors and made sure with the diagram for motor A - D and correct direction. At first when I'd press test motor A, motor B etc.. different motors would spin so then I changed the ESC wires around that connect to the apm and now it matches the diagram going in a clockwise way ABCD with all the props going the way they should too but I can't get it to just go up!


Well that was a little helpful I think but nothing I didn't already know. I was googling and found this forum that had a guy that was having the same problems as me and someone told him to redo everything so we erased it and uploaded the firmware and redid the calibrations and balanced his props and after we did all that he said everything worked perfect. I guess Ill redo my calibrations where you put it on it's sides and up and down and all that and the one where you gotta move it all around too. I remember on the one I had to move it all around that I didn't move it the way I should have, would that cause it to not take off good? Also when I was doing the one when I had to make it level and put it on it's sides and stuff I was just holding it in the air and I'd tilt it to it's side and stuff when it asked except for when I had to make it level it was on the ground. would making it off for the sides and up/down calibration make it not take off good too? I can redo it and make just take off the apm so I can move it on all it's sides and use a right angle tool to make sure it's perfect.


pendejo grande
hoki, try using a small box (like the size a ring would come in) when you do the cali. Hold the board on the box and turn the box on all sides to calibrate.
Yes the board calibration is important, it lets the board know level in relation to the whole entire universe.


yeah I know about the level part and that should have been done good cause it was on the floor but what about the ones where I gotta put it on it's sides and stuff cause those ones may have been not very good.


I'm wondering that's the purpose of the side calibrations? I know if it's not level when it says to put it level and press a key then it'll want to go in the direction it was tilted at but if it was level then what explains for the wanting to tilt to a side? could it be the side calibrations? I know my props might not be perfectly balanced but I don't think that would effect things that much and everyone on my copter is centered and pretty balanced with my battery right under and centered.
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I have a ton of Pandora boxes my charms come in!
hoki, try using a small box (like the size a ring would come in) when you do the cali. Hold the board on the box and turn the box on all sides to calibrate.
Yes the board calibration is important, it lets the board know level in relation to the whole entire universe.


Elevation via Flatulation
Are you punching the throttle to pop it up off the ground? Or are you easing the speed up to slowly lift it?
