Is there harm in cutting shrink wrap off of ESC's ?


Drone Enthusiast
I was thinking there must be a fair amount of heat trapped under the heat shrink tubing used over the Esc's. There are so many other exposed electronics on here what difference could it make to cut it off? As there really isnt a lot of airflow in most AP I would think this would be advantageous.


I usually cut a hole in my ESCs heat shrink exposing most of the aluminium heat sink. It surprises me sometimes to cut the hole to find a nice looking anodised and finned heat sink that had no chance of any airflow.


likes gadgets

i am with you both on that as long as you got nothing to short out on then what you got to loose used to do it on me helis to help with cooling


Drone Enthusiast
Now I have completely removed the insulation on my esc's. I am thinking of putting Liquid electrical tape on the non heat sink side to protect it a bit. Any bad experiences doing this for some odd reason?
