Interesting Article re use of UAVs

Old Man

Active Member
Attended a meeting at a major aerospace firm yesterday where the subject of hobby grade UAV's was broached. There was an implication they would be regulated out of contention for airspace use using existing and upcoming laws in order to maintain airspace and business access for the more traditional and established corporate giants. So those articles are good indications of what we can do but we'll need to be permitted to to them. There's a battle coming over airspace and equipment that will be hard fought and won or lost from the outset depending on whether or not people doing what we do band together to fight planned restrictions.


I believe Old Man is correct, the battle will be lost before most are even aware of the fight. There is a lot of corporate pressure on the FAA to regulate out the competition in the sUAS market. At the moment the FAA is defining the battle "hobbyist vs commercial" and at the moment they have been unsuccessful at characterizing it this way, but this is a temporary setback.

It it is my opinion that if we [small business owners who want to participate in the sUAS market] don't organize in a way that can provide leverage so that we can be included in the regulatory process our only alternative will be to litigate after the NPRM process which will be costly and time consuming.
