Mikrokopter i2c Problems, FC to BL error 17

Trev B

New Member
Hi all,
After a short excursion to ground and some blown BL controllers I seem to have an i2C FC to BL error.
I've disconnected the non functional controllers (i2c bus wise anyway) and while I wait for the spares I would like to get a handle on the above error.

I have checked the connection from the FC to the PDB, and all seems okay, multimeter wise that is

The FC is alive and talking, as far as comms to the radio and to the Mikrokopter tool.

Navi controller Hardware version 2
Sw Version 0.30h

FC Hardware Version 2.2
Sw 0.90j V4

currently I have no motors connected either.

any hints welcome.

On futher invesigation it seems that the i2C bus doesnt seem to have the expected activity

I can see C (SCL) signal toggling but not the D (SDA)
has anyone seen this before,
will a reload of the FC help this ?..


Hi trev,
If your IC2 errors are caused by faults in the BL ctrls it will probably register in MKTools in the BL ERROR section, also telling you specifically wich one.This usually occurs when powering up motors.
I had IC2 errors caused by damaged condensators on the BLs.
Make sure also,that the pins in the molex conector cable are not pushed in causing a faulty conection.

Trev B

New Member
Hi Alex,
Thanks, will see what transpires when I connect in the new BL's, hopefully tomorrow.
I don't get as far as being able to power up the motors.

Trev B

New Member
Okay update time,
after solderng in the new Brushless Controllers (BLs) I was relieved to see the I2C issues went away..

Just for other people intending to do this, you need a fair amount of heat around the capacitors, I had to enlist the help of my teenage sons and put a second iron on the other side, and I have a faitly decent weller with exchangable tips.

Thats my experience, anyone got any comment on this ?..

Braid and a solder sucker is a must.

Have fun fly safe..
