Mikrokopter How does the MK Quad XL Compare to the Hexa XL


My experience with multi rotors are an X650 Quad and the HFP Hexa and a Y6, question is the X650 can not handle much wind at all it flies but its a fight, when the HFP hexa was flying in between problem it was great in the wind it did not bother it much at all and the Y6 not enough time with it between burned ESCs and firmware issues so I cannot say much about that config.
How does the MK quad and the hexa handle wind conditions as well as flight behavior between the two platforms. I do realize that the hexa will lift 500 more but how is the stability between the two.



Spiralling out of control
At the moment The MK Quad XL would be my dream machine, Problem is I can only dream atm, But I would expect it would handle wind very well. I have a MK 40cm quad and I'm really pleased with the way it can handle a 15 knot breeze.


Hey JT thanks for answering. So you are happy with the way the quad handles the wind, I know the X650 XAircraft I have now will not handle it but it has many firmware isssues among others I like hearing that a quad will fly nicely in some wind.



Spiralling out of control
I Had an Xaircraft 600 last year, now sold. Man, I could not get that thing anywhere near stable in a dead calm let alone in a breeze. In my experience the MK is just in a different league altogether as far as stability is concerned. I have heard the 650 is better.
I live on the coast so there is nearly always at least some wind. I would imagine the Quad XL would be better than my 40 cm. As I said I've flown in 20 knots with and without GPS PH.


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Hi guys,
I'm not so sure the ability to handle wind is related to the configuration as much as the flight control brand. The MK I'm flying can hold it's own in a steady wind up to almost 20 mph. Gusting/changing winds are more of a challenge but it's up to it. Stability overall is mesmerizing.
GPS gain can be adjusted from the radio for different wind conditions.


Hello Bartman
What you said is what I was thinking. The X650 needs alot of work on the firmware to handle the wind it flies if you are just flying and having fun but for photos and video the wind will not let that happen with any kind of descent video thats for sure and the wobble needs alot of help cannot run away from it in Hover mode not to bad in cruise mode but not comfortable for AP work. What I was hoping someone would say is the Quad XL would be just as stable as the hexa setup. In between problems with the HoverFly Pro Board the hexa handled very well and was comfortable to fly, but I would think the MK would make the HFP look like small apple in comparison.

