Sorry, I'm not familiar with "CCPM"and "H1", so maybe I'm leading you down the wrong path.
But the best way to think of the Naza is as if it were a fly by wire system (which it really is). As such, all you need is someway to get your -100 to +100 inputs into the Naza from your receiver. As such, the airplane or heli setting doesn't help or hinder either way. You do want to ensure that either setting has all linkages or mixing between each channel removed. At least on my Futaba neither the heli nor airplane configs have those mixes defined right off the bat, which is what you want.
One small detail, you'll need 5 channels for the required stuff, and ideally a 6th if you want to use the IOC modes, and a 7th if you want to tweak the gains while in flight.