Hoverfly Hoverfly Pro not reacting to transmitter commands? ETC.

Tuomas P.

I´m setting the Pro up and I did get, once, the transmitter commands visible on the setup program. But throttling it up and tilting the multi to different positions makes no reaction to the motors. Nor the stick commands. Whats wrong?
I did the update, but the USB switch had to be positioned the other way than the update program told me to do...then it connected immediately and flashed the board. Strange.

Also, how is it possible, that the motors also seem to get power from the board? If the board has power, the motors will spin..even the main battery is still disconnected!
There is one esc with the red wire, as per manual, supplying the rx power.



I'm building a hoverfly machine too, and experiencing a similar problem. I arm the board and start the motors, they react to throttle up, but seemingly not to the elevator/aileron commands as there is no difference in how they spin. Coming from using exclusively dji wkm based copters i probably don't understand something. I guess it's time to contact hoverfly support..


When you installed the firmware on to the board did you use the checkbox to select which type of multi you want? Hexa, Quad, Octo etc?

I havent heard of the motors being able to spin unless the board is armed which would mean you have the green led on all the time.

I would double check your wiring harness etc and also check which way round you have the esc connections to the HFP.

When using the setup software you can see the sliders move correctly with respect to your radio controls?

Dont approach this as being in any way similar to the DJI setups, some bits of the HF system are completely different.
Follow the latest version of the manuals instructions.


Have you tried to fly the multi or are you just testing it by expecting to see or hear motor speed changes?

If you are doing this you wont see it react as per the DJI gear.

As long as you have got your throttle ranges set on your esc's and you have the motors spinning in the correct direction and the board arms properly then you should be good to try a flight. Once airborne you will have to then adjust your gain setting on channel 5 to get the best performance.

I came from a KK board to a hoverfly nearly 2 years ago and the mistake I made at the beginning was to expect it to act as the KK board did while testing. I have also owned a NAZA FC and again they require a different approach.

If the sliders are moving correctly and all the other things are doing as they should you should be fine to fly.


Thanks for the info! I was just testing, everything seems to work as described. I guess it's time to lift it up.


If I remember correctly the HF board detects liftoff so bench testing can be difficult. The motors only react when airborne.

Tuomas P.

Ok, thanks. Mine seemed to respond the controls on the screen ok, but now I cant get it connected anymore. I will check if there´s any updates to the setup progam etc.
Also the throttle response is very limited- just the few first click are reacting. Then they won´t spin any faster. The board arms correctly.
BTW. is there no idle like in the dji stuff?


TP, the best thing would be if you went here and worked your way through the information available https://hoverflytech.zendesk.com/forum

There is a process that you will find in there for performing a throttle setup on your radio using the sliders in the setup software.

I would make sure you have the latest software and also firmware.

have you done the temperature calibration as well?

No there is no idle like dji. Again dont even think about your dji gear, read the manual and release notes and follow the instructions.

If still stuck it would help if you could make a short video of what you are doing, it makes it easier to understand exactly what the problem will be.



Also try flicking the little dip switch you use during the software setup stage, sometimes those can get caught mid position.


When you do go for your first flight, be sure to have the main gain on an easy-to-reach knob or slider. As I found out, it is quite a handful to fly a machine with the gains way too low. :D

Another tip is at low throttle on the ground you can test the elevator and aileron with little movements to be sure they're right. As long as they go the right direction you should be good to go.

Also, to connect my HFP to the computer I have to first plug the USB in, connect on the software, then plug the main power in.


Drone Enthusiast
If I remember correctly the HF board detects liftoff so bench testing can be difficult. The motors only react when airborne.

It does seem to detect lift off when going from manual to AL, as the light wont change color until lift-off. But I have had no problems arming motors on the bench and lifting the heli up to hear the speed changes in motors. of course without props on. As stacky has made very clear, this is not DJI. This was one of the main reasons I sold my DJI as I felt it was a hazard to try and remember the setups thoroughly. It will be great when Hoverfly can rid of the dip switch and perhaps have one firmware for everything. But all in all once it is setup there is no need to do anything. The other nice thing is that you can change the gains from your tx instead of having to plug into the pc. I havent changed anything on mine since the first few flights and it still stands as the best flying heli I have EVER flown, hands down.

Definitely follow the throttle procedure, especially if your throttle glitches off screen at the end points.

On Hoverfly's software you will sometimes need to reconnect when you change page tabs. They havent figured out how to integrate the whole system together or something so they are like separate programs running in one window.

I would disable your altitude hold when you are starting. it's just one extra thing to think about. Just focus on calibrating, gains, and curves/expo in your tx.


Drone Enthusiast
OK, now I am having trouble getting my new HFP to see throttle input correctly. I will start by saying I am using the EZ UHF for the first time. Everything reads correctly in the assistant but the problem I am having is that once the throttle range indicator is set correctly, I get the never ending beeps which normally indicates the throttle is set high. If I turn the trims down then the slider jumps to center. Any ideas out there?




Drone Enthusiast
Got it. I guess the escs didn't save their calibration or something. Weird how sometimes you have to do things more than once to make them work.
