Hoverfly Hoverfly GPS


Air Traffic Controller
All this is great news! Just ordered the magnetometer from Sparkfun. I was wondering, would this Mediatech be a better antenna than the stock antenna or are they equivalent? Also, is there a chance the new firmware supports the UBlox LEA-6H?


The compass should really go on the mast ???? Isn't it built into the GPS board? Did the external mag get released already?

There is a compass built into the GPS board. For the vast majority of craft, this compass will work just fine. All of the craft that we build use this compass alone.

However, some people have experienced magnetic interference from the other electronics on their craft. This is usually caused by a noisy source (ESC, servo motor, etc.) being placed too close the HoverflyGPS board. If it is not possible to separate the HoverflyGPS board from the source of magnetic interference, then the external magnetometer can be used as an alternative. The reason it is on a mast is to separate it from the rest of the craft and any potential source of noise.


Got the mediatec antenna, and got a green light after 2 minutes the first time!
So now we´re making progress :livid:

So you didnt have to change anything just plug and play?
Is it possible to use an ublox lea 6h ? Who konws how?

I am not sure if it was clearly posted in the forums, but HF announced on their knowledgebase that DIYdrones released a MediaTek MT3329 GPS V2.0 which has the following improvements over the V1.
-3DR uBlox footprint
-Larger ground plane
-Battery for hot starts
-New firmware - No longer uses any smooth filtering or position prediction. Update rate is now 5hz.
These improvements will make acquiring a GPS fix much quicker and prevent unintended movements due to the GPS.

I may give it a try, although I am not sure if it is going to make any improvement on my d2523T GPS receiver (which is prices way higher). Any thoughts on this?


Person of Interest
So this the correct module? MediaTek MT3329 GPS V2.0 and it should be a matter of plugging in and way to go?

I didn't read anything in the Hoverfly Announcement to stand otherwise, just that they are sending this one out with new purchases.

We just got our first batch of these over the holiday weekend. From all reports (and the little bit of testing I've had a chance to do), they work just like the v1, only faster and more reliably. They are also a bit larger due to the new 3DR board, about 1.5 inches square.


George - Hoverfly
From just reading about it on paper, the major difference is that the new version may get a new fix much faster if it has had a fix in the last 4 hours. Definitely nice when out in the field! Other than that the performance should be very similar.

I am not sure if it was clearly posted in the forums, but HF announced on their knowledgebase that DIYdrones released a MediaTek MT3329 GPS V2.0 which has the following improvements over the V1.
-3DR uBlox footprint
-Larger ground plane
-Battery for hot starts
-New firmware - No longer uses any smooth filtering or position prediction. Update rate is now 5hz.
These improvements will make acquiring a GPS fix much quicker and prevent unintended movements due to the GPS.

I may give it a try, although I am not sure if it is going to make any improvement on my d2523T GPS receiver (which is prices way higher). Any thoughts on this?


Drone Enthusiast
Does anyone have feedback with the external mag? I'm gonna wait until this is resolved before sticking either 4.6 or the GPS board on my baby. I am just fine with the previous firmware and the HFP alone. Let's not mess with perfection please. :)

Does anyone have feedback with the external mag? I'm gonna wait until this is resolved before sticking either 4.6 or the GPS board on my baby. I am just fine with the previous firmware and the HFP alone. Let's not mess with perfection please. :)

I ordered the Mag before I knew I needed the resistors, so just waiting on them in the mail. Otherwise I have it all wired up and need to get it mounted on a post (weekend project). I should have it in the air by early next week. We are about to get hit by this massive rain and wind storm anyway. Overall, 4.6 is flying great. I ended up raising my gains a bit. The AH is not working too well at all and not sure why, but I never use it anyway. I am not sure why, but my AL is more consistent. I will need it AH with GPS though, so we'll see how that all works out. I'll hold off buying the V2 GPS receiver.

Resistors showed up today. Wires, Wires and more wires! But if it works, I will be happy. I see a potential issue with where i have it mounted. I might need to go further than the 12" servo extension. My main wiring harness is in the back of the center plate frame and up high (so I don't have a repeat of the panning camera unplugging my main battery!). The new compass is almost as close to where it was when it was on the main board. Maybe a couple inches higher. Maybe just being away from the rats nest in the center plate will help.

So, here is a photo. It might help the esthetic factor if I paint the aluminum black. Will it be o.k to have the Mag and the GPS receiver so close like this? Also, what can I cover the mag with to protect it? Shrink wrap?
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update. I went out and tried to calibrate the compass. first attempt after I went through the process (it is hard to rotate an octo with av200!) I hooked up the laptop and checked the compass on the computer. It read about 27-30 degrees off. So I tried again. This time trying harder to keep everything in line while rotating. Same results. I used my iphone to compare the results and it read about 27 degrees off (front a bit too far east.) It was dark, so I did not try to fly and test PH. What now?


Yeah, I can blow that up.
The external mag does not show up correctly in the setup client. (It says so in the release notes). Just make sure you calibrate it correctly and give it a try.
