I wonder if it is legal for me to watch tv all day and get fat.
Soon it will be...
Ok, I am a air traffic controller by trade and most of this stuff I understand. Don't freak out too quickly. Most of the regulations are going to be a concern for operators that are launching their aircraft in controlled airspace. Grab up some airspace maps (sectionals) where you plan to operate. Learn the different class airspaces and you will gain an understanding of why you might need to contact the tower in the area you plan to fly. To check with your local ATC facility is simple. Just call them! Ask them if it will be alright to whatever you plan to do and give them specifics to maximum. ex. I plan to fly no higher than 100 feet 4 miles south of your airport. It is simple really. Honestly if you can stay out of Class B, C and D... everything is A - OK. Class D shouldn't be too hard to get permission and B and C might be a little tickier. Class E should be fair game.
If you guys have any questions that might be air traffic related feel free to pass them my way and I can get an answer.
Oh and here's a fact. If you do call your local ATC facility... and God Forbid - an aircraft incident occured with your craft, you would be in the clear as long as you were doing exactly what you told them you were doing.