Hollywood aerial rig


The faa seems to saying fpv beyond visual range
and without a spotter is a problem

I can see that being a problem. That is why military drones talk with ATC as they fly through controlled airspace. As long as you have essay on the basic rules we all can avoid the FAA for a while. Bur they are coming. Do we have people to fight for our rights, say like AOPA for GA pilots?


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
With conventional heli underslung is the only way possible with that weight. Pendulum effect is always there. For absolute efficiency a slight reverse pendulum is better.

i wish we could share a workshop sometime....any plans to move to the east coast of the US?? :)


That machine is illegal in the USA, full stop. If you want to join the organisation that sat on the rule making committee and thus has an idea of whats happening you need to seek out RCAPA http://www.rcapa.net/ You guys really should start bothering about the rules in America you only have a couple of months until the NPRM and then time to comment. If you don't get together as a cohesive group you risk loosing any say at all.



Jumping up and down and saying never will the Feds regulate me, I can do what I like, freedom freedom, just will not cut it.

If your in the USA join RCAPA and make your voices known.


That machine is illegal in the USA, full stop. If you want to join the organisation that sat on the rule making committee and thus has an idea of whats happening you need to seek out RCAPA http://www.rcapa.net/...If you don't get together as a cohesive group you risk loosing any say at all.

Thanks Gary! I think if we haven't already... Start a forum in regards to our rights and such. We all need to stay in the loop and stand up for ourselves when such articles hit the fan like the ones linked by Gary. I will look into RCAPA. Are there any others out there offering this type service?

Just suggestions, but fed can seriously put a damper on all our efforts. Don't believe me? Go to an airport and then compare your experience with an airport 15 years ago.


Drone Enthusiast
Opening a dedicated forum to openly discuss aviation laws and how it effects us all I think is a great idea. Time I think is rapidly approaching when some ones eyes will open to the potential of these things (for all the wrong reasons) and shut the door so tight it will never get opened again. I would have thought everyone on this forum in the USA would have signed up to the RCAPA.

I need to look into if such an organisation exists in the UK - GARY?

There has been a couple of instances in the UK in the recent months especially with FPV that are waking up the giants at the CAA in the UK and things are afoot to address the issues here.

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Drone Enthusiast
That's just damn depressing! Basically anything that has been fun my whole life becomes illegal. Mountain bikes, Dirt bikes, kitesurfing, now flying your RC heli is F'in illegal??? How much can I pay the government to breathe their air? Well I just hope this is a bunch of hype because I think I have had enough of regulating things that aren;t that important in the grand scheme of things. The little old lady that walks her dog made it illegal to do damn near anything outdoors. And watch out for that one eared spotted toad when you walk on the beach. Oh too late, the beach is closed because some environmentalist made a fuss. I wonder if it is legal for me to watch tv all day and get fat.



I wonder if it is legal for me to watch tv all day and get fat.

Soon it will be...

Ok, I am a air traffic controller by trade and most of this stuff I understand. Don't freak out too quickly. Most of the regulations are going to be a concern for operators that are launching their aircraft in controlled airspace. Grab up some airspace maps (sectionals) where you plan to operate. Learn the different class airspaces and you will gain an understanding of why you might need to contact the tower in the area you plan to fly. To check with your local ATC facility is simple. Just call them! Ask them if it will be alright to whatever you plan to do and give them specifics to maximum. ex. I plan to fly no higher than 100 feet 4 miles south of your airport. It is simple really. Honestly if you can stay out of Class B, C and D... everything is A - OK. Class D shouldn't be too hard to get permission and B and C might be a little tickier. Class E should be fair game.

If you guys have any questions that might be air traffic related feel free to pass them my way and I can get an answer.

Oh and here's a fact. If you do call your local ATC facility... and God Forbid - an aircraft incident occured with your craft, you would be in the clear as long as you were doing exactly what you told them you were doing.
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Opening a dedicated forum to openly discuss aviation laws and how it effects us all I think is a great idea. Time I think is rapidly approaching when some ones eyes will open to the potential of these things (for all the wrong reasons) and shut the door so tight it will never get opened again. I would have thought everyone on this forum in the USA would have signed up to the RCAPA.

I need to look into if such an organisation exists in the UK - GARY?

There has been a couple of instances in the UK in the recent months especially with FPV that are waking up the giants at the CAA in the UK and things are afoot to address the issues here.


I would love to help that section of the forum out, since I have an idea on some of this stuff with regards to ATC.
