Hi from Finland

I'm an amateur photographer who just discovered a possibility to use copters for capturing pictures.
It would be so much easier to take pictures if I could place my camera wherever I want, not where I can reach. For example here http://despair.zenfolio.com/p629426364/e2ab92c9a, it would be so great to have possibility to move camera 10 meters to the right, above the water..
I'm here to get advice (and possibly share my experience in future)



Wikipedia Photographer
Tervetuloa/Welcome to multirotorforum.com!
I like your photos. However, you are going to need a seriously large multirotor to lift your D2X or equivalent.
I see you come from Åbo/Turku. Do you speak swedish?

Tack så mycket. Ja, jag kan lite svenska, men mitt mödersmåll är rysska :)

I'm currently writing a topic about using something lighter in advanced application/aerial photo forum
