Hi everyone

Hi everyone. My name is Jim and I live near Houston, Texas. I'm a no longer young guy (68) looking to do something exciting. In my youth I was a competitive freestyle skater. I crashed my body a lot, so I think I have latent crashing skills that will transfer over to Quadcopters well. :rolleyes: Seriously, I hope this will be a fun activity where the only things I will break are Quadcopters and my wallet.

Starting as a complete beginner, I realize I have a long steep hill (mountain) ahead. I am looking forward to the climb.

I hope all of you pros will have patience with me if I ask a stupid question - this is also one of my well honed skills.

Thanks in advance for all of your knowledge and advise.


Drone Enthusiast
Welcome aboard Jim! Don't feel shy about asking questions - anything that leads to you knowing more about the hobby and the best/safe practices associated with it will be well worth asking.

What's your first rig going to be?

Have fun and fly safe!

Thanks Motopreserve.

My plan of attack at this point is to get a RealFlight Drone Simulator first. After spending some time on the simulator, I intend to get a Hubsan X4 H107C along with a propeller cover guard, spare parts pack and spare batteries.

Any pros and cons on this plan would be appreciated.


Drone Enthusiast
That sounds like a damn good plan. I think you will find that you will be able to learn simultaneously from the sim and the small quad. Good combo for getting the feeling of flight down, orientation etc. then you can move to a larger craft when you feel comfortable and ready.

Keep us updated!
