Hi all


New Member
Its all my sons fault :( he bought me a hubsan x4 for my birthday 6 months ago ..I progressed from that to a quanum nova... it didnt last long and developed the wobble of death... I thought it would be a good idea to have a go at building a cheap Chinese f450 clone... I never did get that to fly (until now) I built a zmr250 it has a flip32 controller in its great. Ive added a Naza m2 to the f450 and that too is now flying with fpv and a go pro.. I even made landing legs from lego for it :)
needless to say my wife hates quads and i find myself becoming more and more addicted :(
My goals are to build a stable photography platform.. so im already looking to the f550 :) especially the idea of motor failure flight ..


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
oh my God, I'm with your wife, I hate quads!

no really I do, but I love them too, it's all so very confusing!

Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com. Maybe I should make a "What the hell happened to my husband???" sub-forum for our wives?


New Member
I can agree with you there .. most of the time I hate quads ... like the other Sunday when I was waist deep in freezing water fishing the 450 out of a lake ... but then I love them too .. and the first thing I do each morning is to check the tree tops to see if I can fly
