The only thing I don't like about the Super X is I have to run a separate battery to use my camera gimbal.
I just completed the maiden flight on my new SuperX on my old tried and true x525 quad frame that's had a Hoverfly Pro + GPS on it since I built it.
While I haven't tried FPV yet, it seemed to fly well in manual mode. It's tough to compare auto level mode since I never used that although it didn't seem to fight me like the Hoverfly did. GPS and Altitude Hold mode are LIGHTS OUT! The thing didn't move up/down or any direction. WOW!!! On a good day with the Hoverfly on the same quad needed at least 10 feet if not more for GPS hold and 5 + feet for AH. Forget about using AH near the ground on the Hoverfly. This thing is crazy Amazing!
Setup was weird but not hard. The default gains seemed to work fine on this quad but then again same thing with the Hoverfly.
You won't be going back. I honestly haven't had the HFP on a copter in 6 mos - accurate position hold is just to addicting![]()
So are repeatable waypoints. Rehearsing an autonomous run over and over and bearing able to concentrate on gimbal work is pretty useful.
I checked the prices SuperX and Naza V2. It seems Naza V2 is cheaper then SuperX. Guys,why did you consider to buy SX? Is it better?
Hey Sleepy did u get your big monster flying yet? Curious how the super x is working on that frame?
I checked the prices SuperX and Naza V2. It seems Naza V2 is cheaper then SuperX. Guys,why did you consider to buy SX? Is it better?