Hey from upstate NY


New Member
Hey there. I'm new to the multirotors scene. I recently got a hubsan x4 and am totally hooked. There are several packages hurtling from getfpv and hobbyking on their way to my house as I type this. It's a bit intimidating to not know what i don't know, but I'm learning as I go and am looking forward to fpv'ing my quad.


Drone Enthusiast
Hey jbird! Welcome to the forum. I'm over here in Vermont - and the weather lately has not been MR-friendly :)

Good call on getting the smaller quad for learning/training. Don't sweat the stuff you don't know yet - that's what MRF if here for. Great group of guys and plenty of info and help to be had.

Be sure to post up any questions you have when the parts roll in and the build begins.

Good luck and fly safe!
