Hi guys.
I am striving to tune a WKM on a 100cm octa and I have made some progress, but I am not done with it yet.
First, I agree with the guy who said that SF props are not a good friend of WKM. True! I started out with APC 14*4,7 SF and found it impossible to find a sweet spot in WKM auto pilot settings. I noticed that the SF props are very flexible in their nature and on big props that kind of ruins the rigid function between motor power and lifting force. The propeller disks flexing diminishes control authority. So I bought Xoar 14x5 wooden props. They are much more rigid and when using them instead of the SF props the performance increased significantly!
Now, for me it still remains to attach the camera under carriage and a camera equivalent weight, to increase the disc load and achieve true working conditions CG , AND to tune the WKM Z axis CG setting. I really hope I can get it good without sacrificing the prop size, because the 14x5 gives good flight time, reasonable hover throttle and huge peak power capacity (AXI 2814/22 at 4S).
Now (finally) to my point: The Lift Center. Should it not be part of the equation? The WKM setup interface only adresses the position of IMU unit relative to the Center of Gravity of the assembly. But isn´t the Lift Center (on Z axis) an equally significant parameter for the control algorithms?
On our multicopters, the Lift Center Z position is in the plane defined by our propeller discs.
Now imagine three different MR designs (hypothetic):
1. Extremely high motor mounts - propeller disc plane 1 meter above CG
2. Centered propeller disc plane - aligned with CG
3. Extremely low motor mounts - propeller disc plane 1 meter below CG
Obviously these three designs would provide very different control characteristics;
Number 1 would have too much static stability and pendulum effect.
Number 2 would have no inherent static stability (or instability), it´s neutral, and no significant pendulum effect.
Number 3 would have a static instability, and depending on the motor arms length probably be mostly unflyable.
If you agree with this reasoning, you agree that the Lift Center matters. Then the question is - why doesn´t DJI provide a parameter input for the Lift Center Z axis value, to include it in the flight control calculations?
I suggest this might be the missing link for consistent results in Z axis CG tuning.
Your thoughts on this most welcome.
/ Tomas