You've got to watch how forward you get your gimbal, brushless doesn't like prop wash, those pics are just that gimbal clipped onto the legs for photo purposes. If your copter is pretty well balanced and vibe free, you could ditch the damper business and mount direct. A lot of guys are compressing stock vibe mount with zip ties or loading the lil rubber balls with ear plugs to make'm firmer, they are pretty wiggly.
You need to find out what firmware your boards running and download the right gui to make adjustments. This is a whole NEWWWWWWW adventure for you...
assuming your board is the open source-
good luck!
What's prop wash?
I've already setup the gimbal, I need to go back and make some adjustments as I have gone too far, im using SimpleBGC and I have firmware 2.01.
I don't want to see landing gear or arms/props in my photo or videos hence why I want to get the gimbal as far forward as I can get away with.
The landing gear mod was not successful, been looking at the 215mm landing legs at quadframe, looks like I will have to live with that because as someone rightly pointed out, the 300mm gear is heaaaavy.
I just want to make sure I can pull this off. According to the interweb, the F550 frame weight is 478g (not sure if that includes motors/esc's etc), the 215mm gear is 290g, the camera is 275g and the RCT is 600g
That puts me at 1.643kg without taking the naza/fpv tx, radio rx and lipo into consideration. From what I see the take-off weight of a stock F550 is 1200-2400g, am I right then in thinking 2.4kg is the maximum total weight it can get off the ground (thats a pretty wide range they've listed)? If so there's is headroom I think.
If I can lift that much, is there a formula for calculating how long I could fly with a 3s (i only have 3000's at the moment) and 10" props?