Help powering 2s-3s Esc's via 4s Lipo.

Pauli 336


I bought some backup Esc's and Motors for my Hex, just to have spares. However, on delivery, I have notices they are for 2s-3s battery. This is my mistake as I should have read the detail in the advert.
I can't use these on my Hex now unfortunately, but I have enough parts to enable me to make a second Quadcopter and will use these in it.
I have 3 4s Lipos already, and don't really want to have to buy 3S lipos as well for this new build. Is it possible to use a 12v UBEC to step down the voltage from a 4s Lipo to drive the ESC's and Motors? If so, what amp rating would be needed for the UBEC? If this works I can use the 3 4s Lipos on both builds as needed..



Short answer is no. No ubec would handle the current. Quite a few 3s esc are being used on 4s with good airflow for cooling so you could Google to check for others using them. Failing that sell them on and buy 4s esc.

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Pauli 336

Thanks, I thought that may be the case as a quick google did not bring up any UBEC with a high enough Amp rating. Ill hold on to them and buy a few £S batteries.

If you like to push the limit, Google the specific esc to see if anyone tried them with 4s.

Otherwise, 3s isn't terrible, majority of mine are just that. To drop from a Hex to a small quad you would probably need smaller batteries anyway. You can build a pretty quick 3s 150-220mm racer/acro that would make you feel better about 3s. You'll just need higher kv motors than your 4s rig.


Good engineering practice says never exceed the manufacturer specifications, and just because others got lucky does not guarantee you will too...
